Hi I'm New Here

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May 13, 2003
Oh my god, this place looks great! I just stumbled on it. I needed a place like this so bad. So who else likes this place? Who are the knowledgeable ones around here, besides yourself?
Welcome. There are lots of great folks here. Many of us are transplants from thefiringline.com. Enjoy.
I don't even know about thefiringline.com. Why transplants? Something wrong with that place now?
Transplants because The Firing Line closed down. This was started at the end. thefiringline.com remains a great place to do searches though.
Glad you found your way here, though.
Welcome to THR. The Firing line is still in existence - just dormant. You should check it out sometime to get a flavor for how THR came into existence. You're gonna' love this place. I know I do. :D
I'm not going to be able to leave my house for a year reading all the back threads in here.:p
I'm not going to be able to leave my house for a year reading all the back threads in here.

Yep, and just wait until you start fiddlin' with the Search function. Say goodbye to any free time you have! :D
TFL is still "up" in the sense that the site can be accessed, but it's closed to all new posts (except the private mail system still works!). It's still used as a reference library.

If you're into revolvers, over on that forum (on this board), the first post is a link to a thread that started on TFL and was continued over here during the week or two that both were still up and we were transitioning here.

TFL's address is www.thefiringline.com - it will look "empty" until you reset the "how far back to look" counter, top right corner I think.
Welcome, Jokerman!
As you noticed, lots of great information and good people here. Thanks for joining us.
Welcome, Jokerman!

There are indeed many knowledgeable folks here, but it is the attitude of the folks--the atmosphere--that makes it a special place, as was TheFiringLine before it. Hang around and have some fun.
Buy the beer? When I was the new guy, I had to buy the ammo. Anyway, welcome dude! :cool:

Seriously, though, this is a great place to learn, share info/opinions, or just to have a good time! :D
I hope you guys like Colt 45 beer, cause that's what I drink.

Hey, how do you quote someone's post here? I don't see a tab on the bottom for that.
Welcome to THR Jokerman!

It's a long story on why there is no "Reply with quote" and no need to go into it here. To quote someone, use your "cut" keys (or swipe the text with your mouse in the usual fashion) then paste the text in the "Quote" doodad on the post reply screen, or you can paste the text between the {quote}{/quote} tags (exchanging square brackets for the curly ones), whichever method you find easier.
^Ok, cool.

Does this board ever crash or have problems from too many users at one time? Or have all the kinks been worked out?
Welcome to THR Jokerman, you have indeed found a great place to be for the gun enthusiasts,especially if your a novice like myself. As one member said it, if you can't find the answer to your gun questions here, you are in trouble. Like you I stumbled onto this board myself,and come here most every night for good information regarding guns,RKBA, and 2nd amendment. Lots of good conversation and some like Blades67 (among others)have a great sense of humour,so hang out with us and enjoy.
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