Hidden guns = open fears

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The net result of concealed-carry is that some innocent person will be smoked by someone because of fear, mistaken intent or whatever reason at some point. It's a lock. You can call, e-mail and scream all you want, but in every single concealed-carry community in this country, it's happened.
Evidence, please.
Oh, and did I mention that concealed-carriers who make a "boo-boo" usually walk?
Again, I suppose that facts to back this up would be too much to ask?
Ugh...boy, this one is just too easy to tear to pieces. However, I have neither the time nor the inclination to do so now. As usual, I will let the many well-studied and articulate members of this board take care of things. :)

One thing that immediately stuck out to me when I read the article (boy, I'd really like to have those two minutes of my life back!) was the many generalizations, assumptions, and statements of "fact", ALL WITHOUT A SINGLE CITATION, REFERENCE OR ANY OTHER FORM OF SUBSTANTIATION.

Two of my "favorite" paragraphs:
To concealed-carriers, it's us vs. them, even if they can't tell you who "they" are. Well, I can tell you. In too many circumstances it's anyone who looks similar to me or anyone with a heritage not from the European continent.

I'm not expecting understanding here. I'm just telling you that, from my point of view, the likelihood of me taking one in the forehead from some freaked-out homemaker in a parking garage is a lot bigger than yours.

Hmmm...speaks for itself, IMO. In other words, it's not even worth my time to address all the things wrong here.

BAB, just another trigger-happy whitie waiting to shoot down the next person of color I come across :barf:
The net result of concealed-carry is that some innocent person will be smoked by someone because of fear, mistaken intent or whatever reason at some point. It's a lock. You can call, e-mail and scream all you want, but in every single concealed-carry community in this country, it's happened.


I guess that he's done his research better than me...the cases of this happening in proportion to the number of concealed carry licenses in the NATION (not just in a community) are so small as to be meaningless....

Well, actually, they're not meaningless. They're so small as to say that ONLY some wacko is going to do it, anyway. I think that the responsibility of people who get concealed carry permits is WELL documented. Take a look at the statistics, Mr. Grant.
Is this guy trying to say that concealed carry causes open fear in him?

That would be the typical leftist point of view-that he doesn't trust his fellow citizens, viewing them as to dumb to handle a weapon without shooting up the neighborhood.

Or maybe he has a side business robbing people and/or selling drugs and that's why he afraid.
4570 Rick and MPayne...

Main Entry: 1ma·roon
Pronunciation: m&-'rün
Function: noun
Etymology: French maron, marron, modification of American Spanish cimarrón, from cimarrón wild, savage
Date: 1666
1 capitalized : a fugitive black slave of the West Indies and Guiana in the 17th and 18th centuries; also : a descendant of such a slave

Yup, it's a regular shooting gallery in Alaska since we adopted Vermont style carry.

Well, it actually IS a shooting gallery in Spenard, but that's the way it's always been :D Part of the Spenard charm, along with Mr. Whitekeys and Koot's
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