Hilarious truth.

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As she has become a puppet of the DNC, I feel reasonably safe in my assumption that she would do whatever the DNC instructs her to, including badmouthing gunowners and trashing our constitutional rights.

Facts? No. But a jury of 12 High Roaders would probably agree.......
I wouldn't say that she's a tool of the DNC.

I would say that she's a tool of those collectivoleftist extremists who bought the DNC.
Folks, the Democratic party is split into two factions.

There's the Clinton/McAuliff wing and then there's the Dean wing.

More or less ALL Democrats can be described as being in one camp or the other.

It's the Clinton camp that contains more of the really heavy-duty gun-grabbers. This includes John Kerry, Chuckie Schumer, DiFi, etc.

Dean's camp contains some grabbers too, make no mistake. But it also contains people like John Edwards, who listed "self defense" as a reason to own a gun in the "gun issue" section of his website before the Dem primaries of 2004. And Dean himself, no enemy of Vermont's gunnies when he was Governor.

In some ways this is a split between urban-state and rural-state Democrats. But it's not all about that; in many ways it's a competition between those who get their money in big chunks and those who get it in small chunks.

Upshot: while I don't agree with Howard Dean on that many things, I do respect the man. Hillary...oh dear God NO!

Yucko barfo to the Maxo!
In some ways this is a split between urban-state and rural-state Democrats.

I've also seen that the really progressive moonbat far left does not want to give up their guns....probably afraid that the Chimpster McHitlerburton SS goons are just waiting to drag them off to the gulags being secretly built in the pine barrens in South Jersey, or that winger paramilitary types are going to want to drain the gene pool someday.

There are some pretty heated arguments in some of the far left forums over the subject of gun ownership.

Chairman Mao says "Political Power grows out from the barrel of a gun".

My 20 something children are all Deaniac libs, but are all vets, pro-military, pro-2A, pro-America....so I still have hope. All three think McCain is the best thing since ice cream....but hate Bush with a deranged passion. Seeing Bush isn't running again, I think the far libs might see a lot of their base fade away with him.
Jim March said:
Folks, the Democratic party is split into two factions.

There's the Clinton/McAuliff wing and then there's the Dean wing.

More or less ALL Democrats can be described as being in one camp or the other.

It's the Clinton camp that contains more of the really heavy-duty gun-grabbers. This includes John Kerry, Chuckie Schumer, DiFi, etc.

Dean's camp contains some grabbers too, make no mistake. But it also contains people like John Edwards, who listed "self defense" as a reason to own a gun in the "gun issue" section of his website before the Dem primaries of 2004. And Dean himself, no enemy of Vermont's gunnies when he was Governor.

In some ways this is a split between urban-state and rural-state Democrats. But it's not all about that; in many ways it's a competition between those who get their money in big chunks and those who get it in small chunks.

Upshot: while I don't agree with Howard Dean on that many things, I do respect the man. Hillary...oh dear God NO!

Yucko barfo to the Maxo!

I saw it as more of a libertarian-left/authoritarian-left divide. whilst I think Dr. Dean would bleed us dry with taxes, he wouldn't be trying to grind our faces into the gutter as much as billary would.
ArmedBear said:
Kinda makes you wish Andy Warhol were still alive.

so his infinitely ugly silk screen prints sold for less than a brand new mercedes? I don't get the reference here...
Deductive reasoning:

Casey Sheehan was killed in war.

Grieving mother Cindy Sheehan becomes openly anti-war.

War is comprised of military personnel and guns.

Therefore, guns are bad!

The 2nd Amendment covers the right of the people to keep and bear GUNS....that are BAD!

Therefore, the 2nd Amendment is BAD!

(By the way, Cindy's husband divorced her when she became an anti-war activist. Her other children have since disowned her. She has lied about many things, including the personal meeting that she had with President Bush. She has dishonored her deceased son. Her only friends are IDIOTS, and only the news media loves her. Pitiful! Shameful! Disgusting!)
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