Hillary yakkin again

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Feb 21, 2003
This came from another board I frequent, however I think it should be posted on the front page of the Washington Post....:D
I did like it enough to want to share it here.

(The firearms related part is in the fourth paragraph)


Well, Hillary Clinton was on three different networks yesterday informing all of us ignorant citizens how the Bush administration has been lying to us all along and what a pitiful job he is doing in Iraq.

Thank you so much, Ms. Hillary Ma'am, for telling us all how it really is. We're so stupid; we had no idea we were being lied to and we really thought things were going so well in Iraq. What a lying, cheating, incompetent president us fools elected to lead this country. Damn, why can't we have your husband back; he was so much better. All that lying under oath and sh@t, I know that was nothing; it was all just a huge right-wing conspiracy and we know your husband was just really inocent of all that stuff. That was just wrong of the Republicans to do that to him.

And,the way he lobbed that one missle into that empty tent in Afganastain in response to the bombing of the USS Cole, well, that was just awesome and I know that had to really scare a lot of terrorist; why couldn't G.W. think of doing something that simple? I know the only reason 9-11 happened is because those terrorist knew your husband was gone and couldn't hurt them anymore.

Oh, and tell your husband thank you so much from all of us for banning all those assault rifles in 1994; America is so much safer from itself now that all those guns are off the street. I know that Machine Guns were banned and outlawed in 1934, but those assault weapons he banned, even though they work the same way as my grandfathers hunting rifle, just looked really mean. And banning over 10-round magazines for semi-automatic handguns was just brilliant. My cousin is a NYS Trooper and he and his family feel so much better now that the bad guys can only shoot 10 bullets at him; he told me so - he said it's that 11th one that always gets you.

Tell him, too, that the massive tax increase he put on us in late 1993 was way overdue; there were just way too many people that just couldn't get up for work in the morning and they were pretty much starving from lack of money. And, making the tax increase retroactive back to the beginning of 1993 was just really brilliant; that added way more money to hand out to those people and that just made me feel so good. It kind of screwed up our Christmas the next year and my wife had to go fulltime and, my daughter had to begin work part time at McDonalds, but we didn't mind; we knew your husband was doing the right thing.

It's a shame you and him couldn't get that socialized healthcare thing passed; it's been working so well in Canada and for the life of me, I can't understand why all those Candians want to come here for medical stuff all the time when they have such a fine program over there.

Yeah, tell your husband thank you so much and really, thank you again for telling us about George Bush; it really isn't right of him to be lying to us like that...

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Rush played soundbytes of her today... Does her voice annoy anyone else or is it just me? Man, if she ever becomes president, I will have to destroy my tv and radio, that voice just grats on my nerves :(.

If Hillary ever becomes President, you will have more to worry about than her annoying voice.

For a good time call 1-900-976-HLRY


Yeppers, Monica's looking better all the time.
Now I know why Bill did what he did with Monica.:what:

Besides, its her husband that wanted the military to do more with less. :banghead:
Annoying voice? YES-just like fingernails on the chalkboard! AND she even cackeled as she laid all those eggs! 'Bout threw up!
Wes Pruden's take on all this...

From the Washington Times, 12/8/03 (http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20031208-113346-3038r.htm):

Keeping the options close at hand

By Wesley Pruden

Anyone's who still trying to figure out what Hillary Clinton is up to just hasn't been paying attention. Rodham or not, she's every inch a Clinton.

If you distract the eye with the right hand, no one will notice you poisoning the pie with the left. No one knows how to do it better than Bill and Hillary.

Fresh from her holiday badwill tour of Baghdad, where she tried to plant doubts and sow fear in the khaki ranks, the senator from Gotham rushed to the Sunday television interview shows to turn one of her other cheeks.

It's called keeping your options open, the options being (1) one for Hillary, and (2) the other for Hillary. If the Clintons find 2004 uncongenial for the Restoration, they mean to make the year worthless for everyone else. That keeps 2008 in play. Howard Dean and Dick Gephardt are entitled to a private pout, but that's politics, as taught by the Clintons.

Mzz Clinton was entitled to a pout, too, at least a little one, after she went all the way to Iraq to get her picture taken with the men (and women) in the ranks, and all she got for it was an up close and personal view of George W. Bush serving Thanksgiving dinner to his fighting men. That might as well have been her on the platter, a crispy turkey with drumsticks aglow, surrounded by sweet potatoes and cornbread dressing. (But if you think all the bad luck was Hillary's, consider the GIs assigned to join her in the chow line. GIs on the scene say the invitation to dine with the president was regarded as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; the invitation to sup with the senator was a soldier's duty.)

The senator used the opportunity not to raise troop morale, but to bash the commander in chief at the expense of his troops. "The obstacles and problems are much greater than the administration usually admits to," she told them. This bit of morale-builder is of a piece with the liberal mantra: "We support our troops; we just don't support what they're doing." It hardly makes sense, logically or otherwise, to warn that the potion is poison but applaud the hand that administers it. The Democrats don't mean a word of it, but the president's critics imagine that it gives them sufficient cover to then say whatever they want. Criticizing the president is not only a senator's right, of course, but a responsibility. The battlefield is just not the place to do it.

No one has ever described the Clintons as a class act — many Bubbas are classy, but not this one, and not his moll. Congressmen have been posing as neutral inspectors on these battlefield visits since the Revolutionary War. Visiting congressmen drove Lincoln's generals half crazy, and that was before the day of the photo-op. (Mathew Brady could only be in one place at a time, and he preferred the company of corpses to congressmen.) In the event, the congressional visitor is cosseted like a VIP and accompanied by an escort who takes him (or her) only to safely sanitized places. Nobody is going to learn anything important in 24 or 36 hours; that's not the point of the congressional visit.

Nevertheless, the press and tube often treat the returning congressional visitor as if he's a newly minted expert, and the public is expected to regard what he says as revealed wisdom. Since Mzz Clinton did her bashing on the battlefield, when she got home she sang new words to her tune. She talked tough, like a hawk with a newly hardened nose, dispensing military sagacity as if she was sure she knew what she was talking about: "We need more troops, and we need a different mix of troops. Whether you agreed or not that we should be in Iraq, failure is not an option."

Mzz Clinton has the family gift for saying two things at once, and she's clearly well coached at home. Disappointing the hate-Bush wellsprings in her party by talking semi-sensibly about the war after first engaging in Bush-bashing carries no risk for her; she knows that she could get into the race this morning and lap the field, doubling up Howard Dean. Al Gore's betrayal of Joe Lieberman in behalf of Howard Dean doesn't change anything.

Trashing George W. in Iraq and giving him support, as mild as she can make it, keeps the Democrats unsettled and yearning for her. Not this year, she insists, and though it's never going to be too late for her, maybe she means it. What is clear is that if it's not this year, she and ol' Bill will do whatever has to be done to keep the road to 2008 dry and clear.

Wesley Pruden is editor in chief of The Times.
What is clear is that if it's not this year, she and ol' Bill will do whatever has to be done to keep the road to 2008 dry and clear.

It would be a sad day for America if she was ever elected for Pres.

At least I will be retired from the military in 2008 should she get elected.

Serving under her husband was bad enough, but her:banghead:
C'mon Bluesbear !

I almost saw my dinner again. Reminds me of an old coon hunting story about a guy that could "ugly" a coon out of the tallest tree just by looking hard at it. I GAR-on-tee that if you took "Hill" hunting with you that the coon would be dead before it hit the ground!!!!!!!:barf:
Bill woulda done it right!

Yep. If ol' slickster had been runnin' things on 9-11 he'd have blown up a couple camels, tucked another intern under his desk and declared victory. Why hasn't Dubya learned from this great man?

I once had a prof in a course on American Gov't say that given a free choice, people will gladly vote themselves into a police state and cheer their own demise as they are doing it.

I thought he was talking about some time a century or two from now. He was talking about today. It's almost as if he was reading Hitlary's mind-----mind??

[In my best Charlie-Brown-Lucy-yanked-the-football-away voice]Auuuuugggghhh ! ! ! My Eyes. Sharpened Sticks for My Eyes! ! !

Just when I thought I'd seen the best pic of Hitlery, you posted that one with her doing the Monica imitaition. Thanks for lightening my day. :D
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