Hillary's Supporters Thank ABC for New TV Series

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
To me, another reason NOT to watch ABC.

Hillary's Supporters Thank ABC for New TV Series
By Susan Jones
CNSNews.com Senior Editor

(CNSNews.com) - Hoping that life will imitate art, backers of Hillary Rodham Clinton for president are celebrating ABC's new TV series "Commander in Chief," in which actress Geena Davis plays America's first female president.

"Next Tuesday's series premiere is 'Super Tuesday' for Hillary supporters," said the Bill-for-First-Lady campaign, an Internet-based effort that uses comedy -- and a cross-dressing Bill Clinton look-alike -- to boost Hillary's political fortunes.

"The debate is over: America is ready for a woman commander in chief," said Bill-for-First-Lady.com spokesperson Luke Montgomery. "Geena Davis has our vote, but there's no doubt the real-life winning ticket is Hillary as president with Bill as 'First Lady,'" he added.

Montgomery predicted that "Commander in Chief" will get voters comfortable with the idea of a woman in the Oval Office. "It's just perfect timing, almost as if it had been planned that way," he said.

The Bill-for-First-Lady campaign announced it is planning a "thank you" rally outside ABC's Times Square studio on premiere night, Tuesday, Sept. 27.

Supporters plan to carry signs reading, "In 2008 Hillary will be President," mimicking ads for the TV show, which say, "This fall, a woman will be president."

The rally also will include an appearance by a cross-dressing Bill Clinton -- the next "first lady," Montgomery says.

Montgomery's website says it uses comedy to convey its message, and it features several video "campaign commercials" showing a Bill Clinton stumping for first lady -- dressed in a pink dress, matching heels and a purse.
Hey look! There's the line!

Don't step over it, OK?

Couple of thoughts:

1. Geena Davis is to Hilllary Clinton as Martin Sheen is to John Kerry.
People who would have voted for the thoughtful, decent, patriotic Democrat Martin Sheen pretended to be still refused to vote for John Kerry.

2. Geena Davis is a great shot, albeit with a bow.
She'll play as a Democrat but with conservative views and actions and call them liberal. She will be hardnosed with bully's yet soft and caring for those in need but will want those in need to help themselves with a little boost from deep pocket sam.

She won't take any crap from any third world yahoo or congressman. In fact she'll be running the congressional lapdogs. The repubs displayed in this show ill be a sorry lot, the kind you woldn't take your eye off of if they strolled through your neighborhood.
The 2nd Amendment will be redined on a continous and weekly basis. Everything she does will be as a red blooded true blue American fighting for truth, justice and votes.

We'll see the correcty way to deal with a natural disaster.

She, like martin sheen will make me want to throw up and shoot my television. Therefore I won't be watching it but I'll rely on those of you with a stronger stomach to keep me informed. I suspect it won't last the season.

Gina Davis as President? My dying lap.

Sorry, I'll be watching "Dog the Bounty Hunter" instead

Now theres a show that gives meaning to the phrase, "Shoot me in the head rather than make me watch it".

To dismiss a show because Hillary likes it before seeing it is pretty short sided.
Look at it this way, it is a good thing that it is acclimatizing people to the idea of a female president. Works better for Condi that way. :)
It's "downfield-blocking" for the Left's running back...

"Hollywood's liberal producers and writers are expressing displeasure with President Bush with not only their wallets but also their scripts. Executives and producers said that these should not be seen as an example of a liberal agenda in the industry."

-- Jim Ruttenberg, New York Times, 3/2/04

"...profits have been forfeited by creating films out of sync with the 'red' states. In a post-'Passion' world, whoever figures out how to tell stories that appeal to the Heartland will be the beneficiary of the wellspring of affection Gibson's film has generated among people hostile to Hollywood."

-- Ralph Winter and Mark Joseph, National Review, 2/25/04

"It's a real conflict for me when I find out the audience is Republican."

-- Linda Ronstadt, singer, (political diversity queen), '04

"We've always been about diversity of views and bringing new perspectives..."

-- Robert Redford @ Sundance Film Festival , '03

[Yeah, right, Bob...]
"Next Tuesday's series premiere is 'Super Tuesday' for Hillary supporters," said the Bill-for-First-Lady campaign, an Internet-based effort that uses comedy -- and a cross-dressing Bill Clinton look-alike -- to boost Hillary's political fortunes.
These are people who cannot separate fantasy from reality. Life is just one big drug hazed sitcom for them. And they expect to be in power?
Actually there are a sizable number of Americans that want this broad Hillary back in the White House: That way all the furniture she stole earlier will be returned! :mad:
...she tells the Nigerian ambassador that unless they release a woman who is sentenced to torture and death for having sex outside of marriage, the United States military will rescue her. ...

it is revealed that Nigeria failed to heed Allen's warning and is going to kill the woman.

However, US troops fly in from a sea-based helicopter and rescue the woman.

Ah, so this show is pro-war and pro-invasion.

Or, maybe it's just pro "magic-ninja specops who never get caught or sustain casualties".
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