Historically incorrect, but neat and tidy...

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Aug 8, 2008
Saltillo, MS
I saw a couple of products at Walmart and an idea kept nibbling at me until it struck me this afternoon.

They sell a brown canvas pouch that's designed to hold a box of shotgun shells. It's got a steel slip-on belt clip and is labeled Winchester. I can use that as a "dump pouch" for my brass or my C&B cylinders until I reach a lull to put them in their proper places on my belt.

The better idea for a product was their "Winchester" shotgun choke tube pouch. It's black Nylon web with two belt loops sewn on. It's got 6(or 8?) plastic tubes with caps that are kept in elastic loops inside of the case so they won't rattle around. I immediately thought that would be ideal storage for my paper cartridges for my Springfield so they won't get wet or damp with the humidity. You could take the tubes out and put them in a more proper leather ammo pouch or your possibles bag or even a pocket. Pop the top off, slide the cartridge out and there you go. You could even tape a musket cap to the inside of the lid. It was less than $10.

If I get ahold of some brown canvas, I could sew a lid onto that shotgun shell box pouch and use it with the tubes and a loading block.
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