history is coming back...

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I grew up in the 1970's firearms were NEVER positively portrayed on TV unless it slipped by in a rerun of Daniel Boon or an old Western. Gun control themes were constantly pounded down our throats. We only had four channels and the idea of the big three networks or PBS airing a shooting show or a commercial for a guns or ammo was unthinkable. Now that we have cable the traditional networks are losing male viewers by the millions to The History and Discovery Channel as well as on demand movies. I never watch network TV anymore unless it is the local news or college football. I hate sit-coms and celebrity worship.
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Yall are forgetting future weapons

Part of the problem with shows like this is that they are all reruns. I think I've seen every episode of Future Weapons, Weapon Masters, Ultimate Weapons, Etc. They show for maybe a full season if we're lucky, then we're relegated to watching reruns.

I saw that Richard 'Mack' Machowisz from Future Weapons is now a host on Deadliest Warrior, season 3
Deadliest Warrior was cool, and I'll watch the new season, but I saw something online about DW, and if it's true, it'll turn me off to the show: Vampires Vs. Zombies or some such nonsense.

It could be fun. Deadliest Warrior is kind of ridiculous, anyway. Entertaining none the less.

I am a bit jealous of what those guys get to do for a living.
While not new...I enjoy History International channel's 'Guns Of The World' program.

my absolute favorite gun program is "tales of the gun"......

Yup, these two are by far the best of the breed, although they share some of the same archival footage and interviews.

Modern Marvels has had some good firearms related shows too.

The others are contrived "reality TV" shows, although it sure looks like Sons of Guns has some very nice stuff to play with, they say lots of dumb stuff about guns.

Future Weapons was a nice look at some stuff us citizens will never get to buy.
i could have saved that guy a few grand and built the same thing for $70 with nothing more than a trip to home depo, radio shack, and my local hobby shop.

Yeah, but you don't have a TV show.
Mail Call and Lock N' Load, with Lee Ermey, were two of my faves. I especially enjoyed the great slo-mo footage of Gunny blowin stuff up with various weapons.
National Geographic had a great show yesterday on the Barrett family and their rifles. How they were developed, continuing projects, etc. Interviews with the soldier who made the longest shot in Afghanistan.

A functional family, engineers who didn't look like you would scare them away from your daughter, etc.

That was a good show.
You would never have seen National Geographic do show about guns 20 years ago. Progress is being made.
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