Hit this online petition to H.R. 1022

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Regardless of whether it is effective or not, it still will give a sense of our numbers. Please stickie this.
Not to dismiss your efforts, but you may want to read this article about online petitions:


By all means, continue to sign, but keep in mind if you want to have real effect, a little more must be done.

Trust me, I've done everything from write, call, fax, email. I'm not going to leave any avenue of fighting this thing overlooked. It only takes about 30 seconds to do this and I'm pretty sure it can't hurt. I'm actually thinking about getting an acutal paper petition going at work and at the ranges here in town and faxing that in as well

Done. I wasn't real impressed with the wording, though.

We've talked to the guy who wrote this and we hope he might be able to change it.
I signed yesterday and I cannot believe the number of signatures that have shown up in the short time since. This may actually get enough signers for someone to pay attention. Granted, I doubt an e-petition is high on anyone's credibility list. I've already written my Congressman and the Judiciary Committee and talked to everyone I know that would listen, so I guess it can't hurt to sign a few petitions to. It might now help, but it certainly can't hurt.
Um, this isn't going to do squat.

The time spent hitting this poll would be MUCH better spent calling or writing your representative. :scrutiny:

Congresscritters don't look at online polls.
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