Hit this poll - we are way behind. Thanks.

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Doesn't this seem like a juvenile thing to do? Our best tools are our congresspeople. If you are concerned, write your senators, representative, and the Speaker of the House.
It showed me the results without letting me vote. The recent New York Daily News "poll" had similar results. I believe it was a total phony since it went several days with no percent change in the results -- not even one point. We might watch this one.
I really like the way the answers were worded. One of the most interesting polls I can ever recall. Usually it just gives you a 'yes' or 'no' option.
Personally I'm not a big fan of open carry laws. I believe 100% in concealed carry but I view that as being different. However, the language in the voting options is pretty openly anti. Not a very good poll IMHO.
...the language in the voting options is pretty openly anti.
Florida too gun crazy?
No, definitely not. You are talking about law-abiding citizens doing something very legal. Don't have a knee-jerk reaction to the Arizona shootings, the second amendment is there to protect us all.
How is that answer openly anti? I would have a hard time wording my answer any better than that.
I had to get off that page in a hurry, at the bottom it sez "Click Here for a Chance to See Barry Manilow in Concert"!!:eek:
How is that answer openly anti? I would have a hard time wording my answer any better than that.

Check out the wording on the body of the page:

The Founding Fathers, writing in an age when single-shot muskets were all the rage, may not have known to what lengths their precious Second Amendment was destined to be stretched.

Even on the rare occasion that we're ahead on these sun-sentinel polls, somebody comes in and automates votes numbering in the thousands. I don't know if this is done internally, or via some unaffiliated group.

Either way, it's very difficult to "win" honestly.
Interesting, there were more than 2,000 votes cast in the first hour, according to comments posted. Wanna bet they were all anti??
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