Hobbyist Metal Refinishing Document

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Apr 6, 2009
I've been doing small scale hobby refinishing of surplus arms for a number of years now, and finally put all of my notes into one large document. I am a chemist, and a firearm enthusiast, so this is my interest. The document covers the essential basics that I've been able to figure out on the subjects of rust bluing, caustic black, iron/zinc phosphate finishes, painting, anodizing small aluminum items, etc. The methods are all done using basic chemicals, not kits. I've included a number of photos to help the reader.

Consider it a introduction to a great hobby - hobbyist surplus firearm refinishing. If you have tips, or suggestions, pop me an email. I'd love to eventually build a "what-works-best" database of refinishes to arms, if only by manufacturer. That would save a lot of guess work and experimentation.

The link below will get you the PDF. I hope you enjoy and find it useful. It is free to read and share, but if you enjoy the document, or use it on a project and it works out great for you, consider the "contribute to the author" PayPal option. It will help me pay for the work I have done, and support more. ;)


would i need a updated version of adobe ?

after downloading i get a error about openening decrypt eroor or something



yep worked a treat

thank you

and i am impressed with your document too

i dont do paypal.. i'm not a US citizen so there is no protection for us and they seize banks accounts regularly here

so PM me with a postal addy and i'll respond with my own docs on finishes and such ( DVD)

cheers and thanks again

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