HOG Hunting in Ohio

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Apr 19, 2006
You know in 21 years of living in ohio Ive never seen a wild hog or heard of anyone seeing one. For some reason theres hog hunting regulations on the Ohio Division of Wildlife website. I am wondering if anyone on here has hunted hogs in Ohio and if so, where are they all at? any help would be appreciated.
There are probably a few that have gotten loose or come in from the bordering states. They can cause a lot of unwanted damage.

I'd hate to guess how low the deer population was 21 years ago, let alone 39 years ago when I graduated from high school. There were also no black bear in Ohio back then or even coyotes. Don't think you won't see a lot more boars in another 10 years.

same here in Wisconsin......regulations tell you to shoot em, just make sure it's not a domestic pig or you will be buying it at a premium price. Funny thing is you cant keep the thing, you have to turn it over to the DNR.....:cuss:
hmm, it doesnt look like theres too many wild hogs in ohio unless you pay to go on a private ranch. Rather than do that Ill pay a farmer around here to let some hogs loose and Ill just shoot one. seriously though, if at all possible I'd like to hunt one wild. If theres none really in ohio to speak of, does anyone know of any close border states that have wild hogs?I live in the tri state area of indiana kentucky and ohio. any help would be appreciated
I noticed this thread isnt getting too many posts. What states do people commonly hunt hogs in? When i was at ft benning I know they hunt hogs down there, theyre all over the place. Ive heard of people hunting them in texas. what other states have hogs?
There are several private "ranches" that offer hog hunting...Not sure about hog hunting on other land.
A lot of those come from a small farm in Christmas Fla.

The guy that was, and may still be, the trapper for NASA has to bring home what he catches
He supplements his income by selling some to game ranches in Ohio.
Some five pounders he gives to the stepsons of his good friends

A piney rooter raised on old TG Lee ice cream and watermelon is about the best tasting pork you will ever find
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