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Jun 3, 2003
Down on the Kenai
I was reading a website earlier that said there were ferral hogs in 19 states. Anyone know off hand what those states are? Im looking to move soon and would like to be close to the action. Nothing against Texas, but its really not an option. :D Thanks.
The hell with it here's a link
Range Chiefly w North Carolina; e Tennessee (especially Nantahala and Cherokee national forests); West Virginia; Santa Cruz Island (off California); Monterey and San Luis Obispo counties, California. Small numbers, often in preserves, in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and perhaps other states. Small feral pigs in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, and Texas.
look here
I didn't see Kentucky mentioned. One of my brothers-in-law and my nephews get one or 2 every year. Last year he got one with a bow said to weigh over 200 lbs field dressed. That boy can't hold a job worth a darn but he sure can hunt.

This is in south-central Kentucky not close to anything.
I don't know of any place that they would not be. I'm surprised that there are only 19 listed. I have no way to prove this but I believe Hogs are the #1 game animal in Central Fla. I havn't hunted in years but when I start again that's about the only thing I'm really interested in, besides a Bear or Gator.
If Texas is out, then Florida and California are your best bets.

p.s. MI and WI have small but growing wild hog populations as well.
Anybody know of a place to go hunt some hogs within a reasonable driving distance of KC Mo.?

My brother and our boys and a few of their friends went to OK. a couple of years ago to a farm where the owner said "hogs everywhere, come on down and shoot all you want" - never saw a single hog.

I still have the fever but haven't come up with a place to go.
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