HOLY... ****!!! Look at what they want to replace the AW BAN WITH!!!

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Vote a straight Republican ballot

I do, but Zell Miller of GA sure looks good when someone like Susan Collins of MA votes to sell us out on the AWB.

Then, there's Mayor Bloomberg of New York...............
Which is like having Anti-YOKO ONO act as the Mayor of NYC!

These people are Republican In Name Only!
Weed them out in the STATE PRIMARIES.

45CAL NRA Life member.
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The fact that it includes the M1 carbine is the best thing about the new bill - it virtually assures that it will go nowhere. Way too many people have good associations withe the M1 from the History Channel, and it certainbly ahs none of the 'evil black rifle' stigma.

Wanna bet? Come to New Jersey. The M1 Carbine and all copies is specifically named on the list of banned "assault firearms".

:uhoh: :banghead:
Let's look with a long lense.

What _they_ *really* want is a total ban on civilian ownership of *anything* that can be used as an offensive or defensive weapon.

They want England...

I don't.

The so-called "AW ban" is bait-and-switch.

If this did get passed, I suppose we will be seeing AR-15s without pistol grips?

We stopped Feinstein & Brady in Maryland and put a serious dent in their assumed national cake walk.

They had 10 years to prove they could make a difference.

They failed.

If they are doing this "for the childeren", they should be advocating swimming lessions.
This is a real tough one here in NY.
It's right next to impossible to elect anything but lib here and the redder the better.
Hell, we got one(elected) who was the anti-DWI chairthing here locally.
Usually it's speeches get 7's or 8's on the Heinz megalomaniaometer.
A real sheepherder with big flocks.
Then it got busted and convicted for DWI.
No problem in the pasture.
A little Libdrivel and *bink*, voted right back in.
That said you'd figure I'd be tickled pink to have the Republican governor I voted for.
HA. I got screwed bad on that waste of skin.
I can't vote for it again.

God, I gotta move.
They'll wait until the next terrorist attack and then this thing will pass at 5am in the morning just like the Patriot Act. I'm sure they'll call it something like the "Domestic Security Act" or something similiar.
Vote a straight Republican ballot and work for a better Republican controlled Senate and Congress. Re-elect the President.

Voting for the lesser of two evils doesn't make it good. You still have evil in office...you will be getting nowhere a little slower. Start fighting for election reform and watch your fight become much easier.
I usually don't do this, but this so fits the bill I had to..

What do I think about it?

Based on my cursory glance at it, they want to ban:

- All semiautomatic pistols

- All semiauto shotguns

- All military pattern weapons, including the stuff covered under the 1994 ban.

Guys, this is a very small (44kb) .pdf file. You should download it and read it in order to get chills up and down your spine like I have so that you are MOTIVATED TO DO SOMETHING.

We CANNOT afford to be so lazy as to assume it is DOA, we must walk up to its bloody body, lying on the ground, and put another two in this bill's head just to be sure.

:cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
What AZRickD said.

If you want to give your "republican" reps a 2nd Amendment polygraph - tell them you want it in writing that they will oppose any new gun legislation regardless of what happens in this country - "terrorists" or any other manifestation ;)
I'm glad they are trying to make it this tough,...

<waits for everyones to gasp>

Because the more riduculus the request the hard it will be to pass. They might as well tack on a request for all non-muskets to be outlawed. I bet this POS even considers 22 semiauto rifles w/ detachables as ARs.

Christ, you'd think they play smart and ask for this crap in baby steps to disquise thier evil plot. Just thank your lucky stars Demis are half-wit inbreeders.
By all means, let them abandon incrementalism and move to ban a whole slew of guns.

Maybe that will wake up the apathetic "hunters and collectors" who fill our ranks.

The more extreme it is the harder it will be to get through.

We should all write letters to Feinstein and Boxer urging them to expand the proposed guns to include everything bigger than an air rifle.
Vote a straight Republican ballot and work for a better Republican controlled Senate and Congress. Re-elect the President.

Unfortunately, that won't work for me. I live in Ohio. My Senators have no respect for the rights of gun owners, though they do play some lip service to us to an extent.

Just voting Republican won't work here in Ohio. We need to fix our Republican party first, and I'm starting to wonder if it's going to take some losses at the polls before those changes can happen.
Voting for the lesser of two evils doesn't make it good. You still have evil in office...

"For were the impulses of conscience clear, uniform, and irresistibly obeyed, man would need no other lawgiver; but that not being the case, he finds it necessary to surrender up a part of his property to furnish means for the protection of the rest; and this he is induced to do by the same prudence which in every other case advises him out of two evils to choose the least. "

- Thomas Paine, Common Sense
Its kind of funny they want to ban pistols equipped with a "second pistol grip". Those arent pistols, they're AOWs under the NFA.

Silly antis, guns are (a matter) for grown-ups. :rolleyes:

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