hope this is the right place; Letter to Reps

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Dec 5, 2006
allo all, I was doing my weekly pilgrimage into the electronic frontier when I turned up two bills int he house that my cong. critter hadn't co-sponsored yet, so I jimmied up a letter, here it is if anyone wants to contact theirs (course you'll have to edit it to fit ya)

GhostlyKarliion said:
Dear Honorable Representative (your critters name here);

I pray this message finds you well and in good spirits, with the Oklahoma centennial coming up soon I am sure you are very busy and I do not wish to take up much of your valuable time.

While reviewing bills introduced in the house, I happened upon two that I do highly support, yet noticed that you are not a co-sponsor of either.

First is HR 73, the “Citizens’ Self-Defense Act of 2007”.

This is a bill that I believe is a tremendous step forward in the right direction towards protecting our second amendment rights.

The second is HR 2424, the “Citizens Protection Act of 2007”

Introduced nearly three months ago, this bill would rid our schools of the "gun free" killing fields that they are. As you know all of these mass murders on school property happened where people with legal gun carry permits were forbidden from carrying a gun, had responsible permit holders been allowed to carry their tools of self defense, I am sure you would agree that things would have turned out very differently, numerous lives could have been saved.

I so hereby respectfully request that you sign on as a co-sponsor to HR 73, and HR 2424, in support of our second amendment rights.

Thank you for your time,
Best Regards,
(your name here)
I sent one to my "congress critter" as well. You know it's funny that on his website he says he's so pro-2nd, but when pieces of legislation such as these have been on the table for months, I don't see his name attached. :fire:

I need a representative like Ron Paul.
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