How active will Kerry be against guns?

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Isn't it so, that even a minority in the US Senate can "filibuster" the confirmation of a SCOTUS nominee appointed by the president?!?

Not a minority, exactly, but IIRC it requires 60 votes to invoke cloture (end debate) on a nominee; with a Senate that's roughly 50-50 that debate can go on ad infinitum.

Kerry would probably be more interested in appointing judges based on gay marriages and abortion, but these same judges are inevitably going to be anti-gun.
think kerry will do his best to get all firearms banned such is the far left politico's agenda. kerry is not a moderate like many here are giving him credit as being. he will go for the worst. probably try and enforce blue helmet politics here give UN law power in the US.

it will be for the children :barf:
That is inconceivaby and obscenely wrong in every possible way.…

To call the issue a “harmless red herring†is either sheer stark ignorance or total partisan misinformation.
No, Rebar. Seriously, neither G. W. Bush nor Kerry really care that much about the gun-control debate. They will certainly have much higher priorities when it comes to selecting new justices for the Supreme Court. Bush has already appointed anti-RKBA judges to the federal bench, not because he is vehemently anti-gun but because it’s just not an important issue to him.

Kerry would probably be more interested in appointing judges based on gay marriages and abortion, but these same judges are inevitably going to be anti-gun.
You’re right about Kerry, Col. Mustard, but not necessarily so about the judges. A pro-freedom judge would also pass Kerry’s litmus test on abortion and gay rights.

Fortunately, America isn’t dumb enough to elect that Kerry creature.
You break me up, Standing Wolf. Keep on overestimating American intelligence. America will certainly be dumb enough to elect one of these two jokers.

~G. Fink
America will certainly be dumb enough to elect one of these two jokers

Hopefully my joker (Bush) will get elected and not the other joker.

Bush has governed as a big government Republican and that is a disappointment.

But many of his privatization schemes if implemented would steer this huge ship (USA) slowly in the right direction.

Kerry would attempt to lurch us deeper into socialism and would sign any bill that would hit his desk that weakened our 2nd amend rights.
Yep. If you like G. W. Bush, then please, by all means, vote for him. If you don’t like him, there are other options—and John Kerry is only one of those.

~G. Fink
They will certainly have much higher priorities when it comes to selecting new justices for the Supreme Court.
Bush will nominate strict constructionalist judges, who by definition are pro-RKBA. Kerry will nominate activist judges, who will be anti-RKBA for sure.
A pro-freedom judge would also pass Kerry’s litmus test on abortion and gay rights.
Errr.... no. His base will never accept a judge who isn't a flaming liberal activist. If he wins he'll be catering to the Hillery-Teddy liberal lunitic fringe. Hell, he might nominate Hillery or Teddy, or Shumer or Fienstein.
You wouldn't simply get a renewal of the ban without a sunset, if that's what anyone thinks. You'd almost certainly get a much broader one that closes all the "loopholes" -- in other words, no more ARs, SKSs, and probably a whole host of other semiautos too. And say goodbye to standard caps for good.
You’re right about Kerry, Col. Mustard, but not necessarily so about the judges. A pro-freedom judge would also pass Kerry’s litmus test on abortion and gay rights.

What is a "pro-freedom" judge? Whatever it is, it has nothing to do with who's going to be appointed to the Supreme Court.

Kerry will appoint liberal justices who believe in rewriting the Constitution as we go along, based on social values and what the Europeans think (Sandra Day O'Connor actually said that). That's how we get rulings that say sodomy and abortion are constitutionally-protected rights. Obviously, there is nothing in the constitution about sodomy or abortion, one way or another. But the "anything I don't like is unconstitutional" school believes in making things up, then attributing them to the constitution. These are the same folks who do not care about framer's intent, who will argue that the Second Ammendment purpose of militias has been taken over by the national guard, and there is no individual right to bear arms. It's not because they're "pro-freedom" or "anti-freedom." It's because they believe it is their job to re-invent the constitution to suit their liberal socialist agendas, which include abortion, sodomy, and gun control.

GWB will appoint justices who read the constitution and the writings of the framers and interpret the law according to the law and framers' intent. If Thomas Jefferson said that the people need firearms to keep the government in check, then constructionist justices are going to say, "yeah, I think that's what they meant when they wrote the second ammendment." They won't necessarily be anti-sodomy or anti-abortion, but they will (rightfully) rule that the constitution is silent on these issues and it is up to the states to legislate them, or up to the people to ammend the constitution.
There is an attempt in the UN to push an international treaty banning the sale and posession of small arms by private citizens.

My greatest fear about Kerry is he would eagerly sign such a treaty. The treaty, sad to say, would likely supercede the 2nd Amendment, especially if Kerry gets to appoint 2-4 SCOTUS justices (as many as 4 are thought might be considering retiring next term). A supreme court packed with liberal, activist judges would likely uphold the legality of the treaty as the constitution does say that treaties are the "law of the land".

This absolutely frightens me about a Kerry presidency.
John Kerry would appoint judges who are pro-abortion, think homosexuals deserve equal rights, and believe people have the right to own hunting rifles and shotguns.

Gordon Fink define "hunting rifles & shotguns"
The UN small arms ban treaty in 2006 being upheld as binding on the US by a liberal SCOTUS is terrifying. Absolutely terrifying.

Kerry would undoubtably sign the US into it. Without hesitation. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves. Our only hope at that point would be if the SCOTUS upheld both the fact that the constitution cannot be subordinated to an international treaty and that the 2nd Amendment secures an individual right to bear arms of all sorts.

That is a fantasy.

So Kerry cannot become president. Absolutely can not.

- Gabe
If Mr. Kerry or someone in the House said to me, Sorry, we we're passing the AWB again, I'd have said, Then we're going to have a fight.

And I'd have taken it out to the country and I'd have had every citizen in the country visit those congressmen. We'd have won what the founders won.
Kerry as president would be a monumentally bad situation for firearms owners. To think otherwise is to be in deep denial. Ti portray Kerry as a hunter is foolishness of the highest order.

If it happens (Kerry elected) look for creative infrigments you never dreamed of! If one or both house become even more populated with dems and RINOs you might as well get a saw and start doing the cut-up job yourself.

And....when, for Heaven's good sake, is George Soros going to run out of money? I can't think of anything that would do more for freedom loving Americans than having this man's bank account hit zero.

Let's pray every day something goes terribly wrong with this man's investments!

To sum it all up, I can't think of anything good that will come from a Kerry presidency but freedom to own and use firearms is only one of many things that top the list soon to tank freedoms.

If you don't like W's use of his own Patriot Act think how much you're gonna hate seeing Kerry use it. It will be 100% focused on citizens of the US.

What is a “pro-freedom†judge? Whatever it is, it has nothing to do with who’s going to be appointed to the Supreme Court.

… That’s how we get rulings that say sodomy and abortion are constitutionally-protected rights.

You answered your own question, antsi. Now, go read some of those other amendments.

~G. Fink
The assault weapons thing was a collectively successful ploy. A rifle ammo ban will not work, especially when people realize that "armor piercing" ammo is actually the ammo they use to hunt with, and which they can no longer have.
I think an "armor piercing ammo ban" could be successful if they exempted soft-point ammunition. That would keep the majority of gun owners (hunters) happy and supporting it. Then they just scare the public by showing lots of propaganda about how terrorists can cheaply order thousands and thousands of rounds of cop-killing-baby-slaughtering-armor-piercing ammunition over the internet.
Hitlery Klinton as SC Justice

How does that sound? If sKerry gets elected, he names Hitlery Klinton as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, after one of the other Justices retires. And we all know her position on guns, villages, etc. It would become a new United States, one that we wouldn't recognize.

I just woke up. It was only a nightmare.
Bush will nominate strict constructionalist judges, who by definition are pro-RKBA

Why would Bush nominate a justice who would overturn his precious anti-Constitutional Patriot Act? I think you're misjudging Bush's statist political stance.

Bush has governed as a big government Republican and that is a disappointment.

And a contradiction in terms.
I think you're misjudging Bush's statist political stance.
I think your attempt to say that Bush will appoint judges that would be just as bad as the ones Kerry would, is laughable.
Both men are liars, so I will take their pronouncements on the Second Amendment and gun control for exactly what they are worth.

Then you should look at the evidence, not what you hear. The White House states that it doesn't want the AWB renewal attached to the liability bill, and lets the latter die to insure the former doesn't happen. The White House also establishes that the individual right to bear arms is American policy.

Kerry, on the other hand, drops his campaign to vote for the most restrictive gun control that has ever come close to passing.

As for the SCOTUS issue being a red herring, that is so far beyond the pale. Take a look at who Bush wanted to appoint. Did you see ardent Christians out to change the world? No, they were conservative judges in the sense that the Constitution and justice were more important to them than political correctness.

A pro-freedom judge would also pass Kerry’s litmus test on abortion and gay rights.

Not necessarily. The judges that fit within Kerry's test enforce "freedom" by redefining it to mean tyranny of the minority over the majority. They usurp the authority of the legislature and do what they think is best, not what the law or even justice demands. Kind of like the liberal federal judge who decided that a city wasn't complying fast enough with equal educational opportunities, so he ordered them to change the tax structure to a model he created. It was so patently illegal that even the circuit he was operating in screamed about it.

Expect far more of that from a Kerry court.
Those of us who will be BACK on the RKBA front lines if Kerry is elected are leaning more toward "Armageddon" than "not much." I sincerely doubt that, if Kerry is elected, we'll be able to stop another AWB, and probably one without a sunset. Ditto for a .50 cailber ban. Handgun registration will be back in play.

Plus, the lawsuit factor is terrifying...after all, Edwards is the Good Senator from the Trial Lawyers Association. The hard, cold fact is that the gun industry doesn't have the dollars to wage another fight like the one we just went through.

It will be four years of screaming pitched battles, and we WILL lose ground!


Plus, the lawsuit factor is terrifying...after all, Edwards is the Good Senator from the Trial Lawyers Association. The hard, cold fact is that the gun industry doesn't have the dollars to wage another fight like the one we just went through.

Another excellent point ignored by many.
Hitlery Klinton as SC Justice

How does that sound? If sKerry gets elected, he names Hitlery Klinton as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, after one of the other Justices retires.…

With all the name calling, it sounds like you are too immature to participate in political discourse.

~G. Fink
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