How concealable is a Glock 26?

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My Kimber is fatter than my Glock 19 and the Kahr website says the slide on the P9 is .9" it doesn't give dems of the grips. But if you use the slide dems it's only 2 tenths of an inch narrower. Your underware is probably thicker, hardly worth losing abour half your rounds.
Glock 27

I carry a Glock 27 which is the same size as the 26, just .40 caliber.

I usually carry it in an Aker 151 DEA inside and outside the waistband.
Nice holster for about $55.

Also carry it in a SmartCarry. www. for deep concealment
and being able to be armed without showing at all.

Wear a loose long shirt and you won't print very much.

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