how do you define anti?

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Dave, Sorry, I meant I don't have problems with people owning full auto's, or carrying full auto's, or exploding ammo, or..... whatever! :) I've got a problem with them USING those implements to impinge upon the rights of another, but I'd have a problem with them using a shovel to faciliate that as well.

Regards, and apologies for the mistype
how do you define anti?

A control freak.
An insecure person who fears all guns or some guns especially in the hands of citizens. They either wear their fear on the surface or hide it deep down.

There are your elitists who are also control freaks. You see them every day face to face, in the streets or on pro-gun internet forums. Most of them own, carry and shoot guns. They just don't trust anyone else with guns or certain types of guns.
When someone logs into THR and asks why the average citizen would need body armour... at least that is what I was called when I asked the question.
If someone asks "Why should the average citizen have (x)?" I've got no problem answering him nor do I think less of them.

If they come on and ask "Why should the average citizen have the right to have (X)?" I can probably tell that they are, to some degree, nanny-statists.
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