How Do You Grade GW Bush (President of US)?

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Dec 25, 2002
The Land of Broccoli and Fingernails
How do you grade Bush on only two measures of performance:

Management Effectiveness

I rate him: a solid D on leadership
B on Management effectiveness noting a few notable holes in his performance related to border control and national sovereignty. His performance in the WOT pulls him out of the C category.
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I would rate President Bush an A, his reliance on an administration and speech writers as an F. We love compassion and feeling and the speech writers of today have lost that for the majority of the population.

Edited for the correction of an obvious omission.
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A & B-

Leadership: Kerry would still be waiting for any ideas about fighting the WOT to pass the "Global Test"

Management: Bush is spending too much, and hasn't used his veto on anything.
D and D (I'm still really mad with him and the GOP) lover scorned or some crap like that.....(voted for him twice and gave money) :cuss:
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As far as leadership and management skills are concerned, I guess he is OK.

His policy making has been terrible though.

He has done more long term damage to our country than Bill Clinton. I voted for him twice, but can think of very little he has done that I actually support.
C and F. He's damaged the country at least as much as Kerry could've done. And btw, I voted for Bush in 2000 and 3rd party last time.
Damned if You Do..and Damned if You Don't

Let's face it -- the guy doesn't exactly have the easiest job in the world, and everybody and their brother-in-law thinks they can do it better, faster, cheaper, etc.

Most of the armchair quarterbacks who criticize him couldn't handle the stress and pressure he's under every day. I for one don't think he or any other President is perfect, but I'm willing to give him the "benefit of the doubt" that he is sincerely trying to do what's right for the country. I'm proud to have had him as my Commander-in-Chief.
Leadership: B- He scored a solid A+ in the aftermath of 9/11, but has been slipping ever since. Border control, and continuing operations in Iraq have dinged him a bit, but right now I don't think we are getting much leadership at all out of him. Dropping the Social Security topic entirely has made me quite angry.

Management Effectiveness: B By and large, he has chosen competent people and let them do their jobs. He could have done better with some choices (FEMA), but given the average amount of incompetence in the government, he has at least done slightly above average.

He needs to really step things up. It seems that as of late, events have been managing him, and not the other way around. In politics, just as in any other strategic endeavor, if you give up the initiative, you are already losing.
Leadership - D
Management - D

He's losing/lost control of the government. He spends entirely too much money on the military, appoints friends to positions rather than the best qualified, calls Americans concerned with the future of the USA 'vigilantes' .......

Heck, he's turned into a Democrat.
I'm in the BUSH camp, and give him a solid A+ across the board~!
Where would be be at today had John Q. Public elected Senator Kerry?!
Thanks for articulating that the only redeeming quality Bush has is that he is not Kerry..... and then re-read the first poster's question: he asked for a rating on Bush as president, not a theoretical comparison with somebody who never was president.

And yet..... no comment or fact can be printed about Bush without somebody "defending" him by saying he isn't Kerry. OK, he isn't Charles Manson, either.....
Bush gets a C from me. Like Clinton before him, he has more often than not squandered the good opportunities presented to him.

~G. Fink
If we're talking about today, a C for leadership and maybe a C+ for management.

If it were last year, I'd still give him a B+ for leadership and the same for management.

Ironically, one of Bush's advantages--the "low expectations" measure--has come back to haunt him. He's having to live up to the expectations most Americans had of him immediately following 9/11. That's a tough act to follow.

The Harriet Miers appointment has really hit me in the gut, just as it has others. I wanted to see a fight for a Scalia or Thomas. It may well be that Miers will turn out to be what we want, but right now she's a fortune cookie.
I have to say I'd give him a solid F. He should never have gotten us involved in this hopeless war in Iraq. He should never have gotten us started in this undefined and endless war on terror. His energy policy is a disaster in terms of pork and in terms of not fixing any underlying problems. I don't like the Patriot Act or his current proposal to undo the Posse Comitatus Act. He hasn't made any actions to start extracting us from the failed War on Drugs. Let's see, how many unwinable wars are we involved in right now?
  • Emperial / colonial war in Iraq
  • War on Terrorism
  • War on Drugs
When he entered the White House, we only had one hopeless war under way. Now we have three. Each costs hundreds of billions of dollars a year and none of them achieve anything.

On a personal level, he's naive. He thinks people like Putin and the Saudis are his friends. Those type of people don't have any friends (Saudi royals kill each other, in the same family). I think he really believes that Halliburton and oil companies care about the US, and that they are his friends. They are not; they don't have friends.

I also think he's dishonest. There never was any evidence of a viable WMD program in Iraq. Even the concept of a "WMD" being a category of things is a propaganda idea.

He's also fiscally irresponsible. He has borrowed so much money that our currency may never be sound.

I do like the fact that the AWB lapsed and he didn't push for it. I like the tax cuts. I hope he succeeds in reforming SS, as a first step to gutting it.

But on the whole, he gets a solid F.
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