How do you prepare a rifle (weatherproof, etc) you plan to bring to the bush for a week?

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Lot of good advice from a lot of experienced shooters. For a real protective coat I use RIG - it's been around forever, and it will prevent fingerprint rust on guns at gunshows where they are handled constantly. I've not used it for extended periods in cold and rain, but I wouldn't hesitate to trust it there or anywhere else

Thompsons water seal is your friend, on your clothing as well.
Dunk and hang to dry, will be a bit stiff at first.
Do you guys worry about scent from gun oil?

I usually do a surface wipe with a lightly oiled old rag/t-shirt, at the end of each day in the field. I also have terrible success stalking game. I'm a great shooter, and a dedicated yet lousy hunter.
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