How far is this UN gun ban going to go

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Dec 9, 2007
I don't know about all you guys, but not a day goes by when I don't get something in my email about the UN voting along with our President, to ban semi auto pistols and regulate guns in our country. I get things from therNRA, and every Political group from Liberal to Conservative. Do you think that they have a chance of ever passing something that would really attempt to take our guns.
i think things have been going smoothlly for some time now. Perhaps because they are getting ready to drop the bomb on us. Any thoughts. i for one will have no more guns if and when something like this happens, they will all have been "caugh cough", sold privatelly.
And who is going to do the collecting?
Obama has stated we have got involved in all these "conflicts " at the orders of the UN without even getting approval from congress. So, if he is reelected with nothing to lose, then, who knows. Kind of scary thinking about it.
By conservative estimates there is something like 300 million firearms in this country, and 100 million gun owners. Yeah, just the logistics of taking them all away is pretty silly. Stay vigilant to your rights being chiseled away slowly, and don't worry about the boogey man coming to take your guns in the middle of the night so much.
We've got a lot of threads already on the UN Gun Ban -- what it is, what it isn't, what it might be if it ever becomes anything, whether other countries will even let it happen, whether O'd sign it, whether it would be ratified, whether it can supersede the Constitution, etc.

Here's the last big one:

Probably don't need to go over it all again so soon.
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