How many Presidential candidates are NRA members?

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Feb 1, 2003
So how many Presidential candidates from both parties are NRA members?
Doesn't matter, because the ones that are are just posers anyway, with the possible exception of Ron Paul.
I think it does matter and says something about the candidate. A membership would be a pretty good indication if they're gun friendly or not.
The real question should be...
If they are an NRA member, when did they join?
Sending in your membership paperwork two weeks
after you join the presidential race is more than just
a little disingenuous.:(
The question should be who actually supports the 2nd amendment.
January 9, 2003

Restoring the Second Amendment

Mr. Speaker, I rise to restore the right the founding fathers saw as the guarantee of every other right by introducing the Second Amendment Protection Act. This legislation reverses the steady erosion of the right to keep and bear arms by repealing unconstitutional laws that allow power-hungry federal bureaucrats to restrict the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

Specifically, my legislation repeals the five-day waiting period and the "instant" background check, which enables the federal government to compile a database of every gun owner in America. My legislation also repeals the misnamed ban on "semi-automatic" weapons, which bans entire class of firearms for no conceivable reason beside the desire of demagogic politicians to appear tough on crime. Finally, my bill amends the Gun Control Act of 1968 by deleting the "sporting purposes" test, which allows the Treasury Secretary to infringe on second amendment rights by classifying a firearm (handgun, rifle, shotgun) as a "destructive device" simply because the Secretary believes the gun to be "non-sporting."

Thomas Jefferson said "The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; ...that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed." Jefferson, and all of the Founders, would be horrified by the proliferation of unconstitutional legislation that prevents law-abiding Americans form exercising their right and duty to keep and bear arms. I hope my colleagues will join me in upholding the Founders' vision for a free society by cosponsoring the Second Amendment Restoration Act
Who was a willing cosponsor of this bill?
and some more good reading.
I see no problem with Romney being an NRA member or when he joined. I sat down and had a long talk about this with Senator Larry Craig (Utah), who is supporting him. Mitt made a couple of early campaign goofs, and learned from his mistakes.

No one from this forum came out of the womb with an advanced knowledge of the second amendment....your support and understanding took time. I'd rather have a new 2nd Amendment supporter that is in the learning process than one that working against you. Anyone think that Senator Larry Craig wouldn't be an excellent mentor for Romney?

pcosmar said:
The question should be who actually supports the 2nd amendment.

This post isn't about Romney or who supports the 2nd, it's about what candidates are NRA members. If you want to know start your own thread and ask the question.
Anyone think that Senator Larry Craig wouldn't be an excellent mentor for Romney?

Considering the state of Massachusetts' gun laws, and Romney's support for another AWB any "mentoring" is likely to bee seen as posturing. But hey, that's just me.
Doesn't really matter. Anyone can be a member of the NRA, just like anyone can go duck hunting. Even if they are NRA members they can still be posers or just as bad (if not worse) elitest aholes that could care less about the right to keep and bare arms so long as their 10,000 dollar shotgun isn't in jeopordy.
This post isn't about Romney or who supports the 2nd, it's about what candidates are NRA members. If you want to know start your own thread and ask the question.
Sorry, my mistake.
I thought it might be 2nd amendment related.
Considering the state of Massachusetts' gun laws, and Romney's support for another AWB any "mentoring" is likely to bee seen as posturing. But hey, that's just me.

Well to be fair the gun laws in Mass where restrictive way before Romney became governor. He actually did not pass any new gun laws while in office. The AWB he did sign into law was only a copy of the original law that was enacted in 1994, this was rewrite to clear up some confusing language in the original law. It actually helped gun owners in this state That being said Romney is a ultimate example of a politician who will say and do anything to get elected.
I'm unsure of Bill Richardson's NRA membership status but I know he has a concealed carry permit.
NRA memberships means jack squat. Michael Moore has one. He used it to get an interview with Heston, then insult and mock him.

Get an NRA membership and swindle your way to el Presidente.
Romney, the "lifetime" NRA member who just signed up when he got Presidential ambitions. Just like how he's hunted "all his life" - he's been twice.

No sir, don't trust him a bit!
your support and understanding took time

Only if your a complete moron with no reading comprehension skills.

"Shall not be infringed" is a 6th grade comprehension level statement.

Mitt made a couple of early campaign goofs, and learned from his mistakes.

Or he just learned how to play the political game. Tell the public what they want to hear.
feedthehogs said:
....Only if your a complete moron with no reading comprehension skills...."Shall not be infringed" is a 6th grade comprehension level statement.

Funny you should bring up reading comprehension.....appears the question wasn't simple enough for most to understand. Rather than give a direct answer to a direct question, most have gotten side tracked with their bloviating.
Heehee, Thanks Sodbuster.....those rocky mountain states all look alike.
True. Larry Craig isn't very well thought of here in Idaho. He represents and supports big business interests, e.g., timber, mining, and supports illegal immigration, etc. Traitor.
I see no problem with Romney being an NRA member or when he joined. I sat down and had a long talk about this with Senator Larry Craig (Utah), who is supporting him. Mitt made a couple of early campaign goofs, and learned from his mistakes.

I think it's a BIG problem. He became a life member last year, and he hasn't learned squat. In the debates he pretty much bragged about signing the AWB.
I give up......appears the question is too difficult to answer. Out of all the responses only two tried to answer it. Getting a straight answer is like asking a drunk driver to keep the car between the lines.
perhaps you should consider the question asked in the first place.

Exactly! Most of us here can't cite who is and who isn't an NRA member in the crop of candidates because it is irrelevant as to whether or not they are true supporters of the 2nd!
I don't know if Duncan Hunter is a member, but he has a A+ rating from the NRA and:

Voted to prohibit product misuse lawsuits on gun manufacturers.
Voted to lower the wait time for guns purchased at shows from 3 days to 24 hours.
Voted to prohibit suing gunmakers and sellers for gun misuse.

Here's a March interview with a blogger regarding 2nd amendment rights (Via Free Republic):

Hunter said:
“The right to keep and bear arms is an absolute right of Americans to protect their families and their communities and their nation with firearms.
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