How many rounds for self defense?

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I wonder what the Brady campaign's opinion is about having a fixed bayonet just in case that magazine runs dry?
bayonets are fine, as long as they're attached with duct tape. It's the LUG that makes them evil :neener:
:D nico

GEM, is the answer D?

Just remember the loudest sound in a gun fight is from yours..."click"... :what: :what: :what:

I would carry as many as I can... :rant on: but apparently I'm responsible enough for my actions to be charged as an adult (>18) but not responsible enough to own a handgun...hmm...something doesn't seem right about that to me. Perhaps just because I'm 19, and worried something will happen to me here at college? No...there's no reason I need to protect myself...except that we have an inept police department (I've seen plenty of their targets at the range), they're slow, and they won't take responsibility for my safety since they won't allow me to protect myself... :cuss: :rant off:
How Many Rounds For Self-Defense?

As much as I can carry without it becoming obvious.....If I am carrying so much as to be leaning to one side, it might impair my shooting/reloading :evil:
If I am carrying so much as to be leaning to one side, it might impair my shooting/reloading

No. It just means you need to add some more to the other side. :)
If you have enough ammo on one side to make you lean, I'd compensate with travel sized roast beef.
Individually wrapped., that's a good idea.
How many rounds for self-defense?

How long do you want to fight them back before you run out
of ammo and they kill you?

When are people going to learn that the "gun" or the "magazine" is
not the problem, that it is the brain behind the finger that pulls the
trigger that causes all these senseless shootings.

I remember being on a hill in the Arizona one night in Feb, '69.
We had pushed the NVA off and taken the hill, but we had expended
a lot of ammo. After a count, we had about 50 rounds per man,
with only a hundred rounds per machine gun. Not good.
We got lucky that night, and they did not hit us back. At dawn, two
CH-46 helo's came in carrying much ammo, and other supplies.
I sort of subconsciously decided on that hill that I would NEVER
get caught low on ammo again.

So. How many rounds is "enough"? For me, a thousand rounds more
than everybody else.

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but apparently I'm responsible enough for my actions to be charged as an adult (>18) but not responsible enough to own a handgun...hmm...something doesn't seem right about that to me
I completely agree (I'm almost 22 for the record). An even crazier thought to chew on: the law allows you to take a job (or be forced into the job if the government deems necessary) where you're given NFA weapons AND handguns with ::gasp:: 15 round magazines and sent to kill people, yet you're not yet mature enough to buy (not possess) a handgun or drink alcohol. Although, I must say, when I turned 21, I experienced an epiphany that suddenly made me more mature. . . or maybe it was just my blood alcohol content :D
The more the better. I would really like to have enough to lay down suppressive fire while I beat feet in the event of multiple attackers but I'm limited to 10 rd mags here in CA. That's the only thing that bothers me about a revolver, it's difficult to carry spare ammo.
When I go to the range, I always make sure I have enough "traveling" ammo for the trip home :).

Just my .02,
Well, first off, Hummers have no legitimate use outside of the military too. They are big and use lots of gas and are dangerous when they careen madly into other vehicles. And yet I see lots of them around here. Usage is no justification for marketibility.
Second, a .357 magnum will penetrate 5-6 sheets of drywall as well. Actually most rounds will. But responsible gun owners know that and act appropriately. I.e., it is our business, not Joe Bureaucrat's.
Third, what is the difference between one 30-rd magazine and 3 10-rd mags? Is it really going to make a difference? Are there any cases where someone would have survived had there only been 10-rounders? No, of course not. I dont know why Brady is fixated on 30 rd mags.

I think we can agree that a man(person) can mainly speak from his own personal experiences, right? After that, it is opinion, hearsay, conjecture, and theory.

Then when you have personally had a gun in your face with you maybe having a second or so to make a decision to get shot or giving up and the perps threatening to rape and kill your wife after they shoot you...would you rather have a pistol with limited rounds or something that might give you an edge in surviving should you decide to defend yourself?

Take this with a grain of salt 'cause you don't know me...but I have been in two situations where there were 3 guys with guns against me...and there was another incident where on the job, I was faced with 15 BGs who wanted to do me in(unknown amount of weapons...two guns that I saw.)

The incident with the three guys? I was not armed.
The incident with the 15 gang bangers? I had a seven shot pistol.
In either case, my life was in their hands....anybody else want to be there, then tell me only a limited magazine is all you need to protect your lives and the lives of the ones you love? I'll tell you what the thoughts are that go on in your mind...."Today is a good day to die."

It's your life, you choose what you carry, if you carry, but don't tell people who get in harm's way what they should carry until you have your life in someone else's hands.
WALTER. A hill in the Arizona? I called them knolls. If you want hills go to the Que Son Mtns. I think you were probabley in the 5thMar. like me and did a lot of "hill" climbing in the Que Sons. How about the flat lands of Goi Noi Island?

Back to the topic. I use a revolver as my home intruder defense. If it goes beyong that I have the other "toys".
While I often only have 7rds of .380 on my person that is IMO only enough to allow me to get away from a single threat. I am lazy and feel that the time in my life when people SPACIFICLY wanted to do me harm for my work is over. Few threats were ever even hinted at after the events.
That said if for any reason I feel that nudge I load up heavy and there is always a 12 guage behind door and AR by computer as backup. Glock with spare mag/light/phone by bed. Doors locked (two locks per door/solid core put in by ME) Exterior alarms before anyone gets close to house. I sleep very well.
What if you're trying to defend yourself from a professed traitor who is in power in the government actively trying to turn the nation to communism and deny the poeple their rights but keeps multiple armed body guards?

I'm going to have to say arming every person who holds the future of their children and this nation dear with every weapon we can afford to muster might barely be enough . . .

Making sure the military is on the side of liberty would be a good idea too.

With what they get away with now, I'd hate to think what the government would do if they managed to disarm the populace. . . :uhoh: :what:

They day the government no longer fears the people, is the day we have lost all of our liberty.
What if you're trying to defend yourself from a professed traitor who is in power in the government actively trying to turn the nation to communism and deny the poeple their rights but keeps multiple armed body guards?

Then I'd say that Barretts should be the minimum caliber for CCW! ;)


As for a round limit for SD? I'd say a 6,000round drum is a good START. I might need more.
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