How Not to Answer the Door

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"In Farmington, the officers had initially knocked on the front door of the wrong home and announced themselves as police officers. When there was no answer, they asked dispatchers to call the reporting party back and have them come to the front door."

This could have been avoided. Don't let it happen to you.
Of course it was avoidable. But again, 11:30 pm. A weekday -- most 52-year-olds are in bed by then. They know they didn't dial 911 and they know they didn't order a pizza.

11:30 pm. Verifying that you're at the correct address would seem to be the first thing to do prior to going up on to the front porch. Communication issues, training issues on the part of the PD. Response to a DV call? I don't know about this particular department, but where I've worked, the RP gets asked by the dispatcher if there are firearms involved or present in the home, and the officers will know prior to arrival, whether the residents own firearms.

You can't put this solely on the residents of the home.

As a side note, we have had, in my state, over the past few years, more than a few instances where home invaders have shown up at homeowner's/renter's front doors in tactical garb (body armor, flashing badges or with "POLICE" on jackets or vests, black ball caps, etc.). This has happened in situations where the criminals believed there were drugs or money -- more than once in the Asian community, notably.

Last thing, maybe I'm the outlier but people I don't know don't knock on my door. I can't remember the last time anyone showed up unannounced. Same rules apply, I don't know you, I don't open the door.
No, you're not the outlier. Same here.
If you are using a Ring camera - BE CAREFUL. I saw an article yesterday that detailed how the police are using their close association with Ring and its owner, Amazon. If you have any cameras inside, the police can access those as well, even without your permission. They just present a warrant to Ring and your privacy disappears.
Never put a camera indoors that can ever be accessed by anyone else. That's about all I'll say on that subject.
I must be missing some context. The implication is a COP has a right to MURDER. Think about it. The unprofessional was killed by a (supposed) professional because the unprofessional didnt respond in humble submission to an unknown @ his own door. Do you think the bad guys never say " we are the police"? You are a fool to answer that door unarmed. Would you get dressed & put a proper conceiled carry rig on @ 11:30pm just to unsecure your home for a total stranger?? Im not!! The idiots didnt do there job correctly & its the home owners fault??? Is it not logical the guy was scared?? That is the most anti-American crap ive ever heard. The worst part about it is this type of casual attitude (in public, may I remind you) of many cops that plays right into the hand of the anti police elements. "Dont let this happen to you"??? What could he have done ??? Just die like a good citizen?? I think it might be time to change some protocals.
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