How To Build Your Own Reactive Target

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My Reactive Targets are so simple, even a caveman can do it!

fill an empty coffee can full of water, and add some food coloring if you're feeling festive.

Set it up, and fire away!

if you can hit something as small as a coffee can from about 10-15 yards, you should be able to hit center mass on a BG easy. Plus, once the water runs out the cans tend to bounce around, giving you a moving target.

PROTIP: Use the plastic coffee cans to prevent shrapnel or sharp edges. Maxwell House and Folgers cans work well.
I used to do that(LOVE my coffee) Until I realized I was going through a pot a day and that lead to alot of money wasted on fresh beans. SO I resigned to getting preground for cheaper, and due to my caffeine intake, I have alot of cans lying around. They also make good places for keeping change, pens, tools, ammo, etc.
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