"How To" Convert Anti Friends & Relatives

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Nov 10, 2003
Home of the Brave
Seems like a common problem many of us face - dealing with 'Anti-' relatives and friends.

I used to approach it by letting them focus the discussion primarily on the Tools (the firearms). But then I learned that this often served only to reinforce the perception of the gun itself as eeeeevil.

Now what I do is take a different approach. I steer the conversation towards terrorism or encounters with enraged drivers or armed felons, then inquire something along the line of "Gee, if you're an innocent law-abiding person, how would YOU protect your spouse and your kids in that situation? I mean, after all, just because you're a good person who doesn't want to hurt anybody doesn't mean there's not real evil out there, right?? You wouldn't just passively wait and watch while you're family or you were slaughtered. What would you acutally DO in a situation like that?"

I "save" the info about my own self-defense capability, armaments, and training for "later in the discussion" AFTER the act of self-defense has been justified not by me but by the person I want to convert. As they answer my above inquiry, I ask them the same things that anti-gunners ask. "Couldn't you just call the police and wait?" "Aren't the police supposed to protect us?" "Why in the world would you use a gun rather than running away?", etc.

This seems to work pretty well. What I find is that by asking "What if" and "How about" questions (known in law school as The Socratic Method) the other persons actually convinces themselves that (1) There is Evil in the World (2) Bad Things can happen to Nice People (3) We are (as Osama bin Laden said in his videotape just before The Election) responsible for our own safety and security and (4) It might just be a better idea to "have it and not need it than to need it and not have it".

What approaches do YOU take?
It can be tough if you are only having a discussion, I would recomend trying to get them to go shooting with you sometime. When I launch into a 30 minute safety briefing and then start them out with a .22 they tend to look at guns as less evil. I also try to talk about instances where people lives have been saved because they had a gun. I cut out the Armed Citizen page from my American Riflemen and keep them all in one folder in the bathroom for people review.
I steer the conversation towards terrorism or encounters with enraged drivers or armed felons, then inquire something along the line of "Gee, if you're an innocent law-abiding person, how would YOU protect your spouse and your kids in that situation?

I just recently tried that, but they couldn't belive that anyone would want to hurt you if you gave them your wallet up front.

In Los Angeles, they talk about murders and home invasions at the top of every news cast. I don't know if we still are, but we've been the murder capitol of the United States. There's graffitti on the wall at the end of the block, there are police helicopters flying overhead once every week, my house was broken into (while we were all home), and I was followed by a carjacker not too long ago. And they think I'm the paranoid one.

(Yes, I know I need to move to an unoccupied part of the United States, and I'm probably going to in August!)
I steer the conversation towards terrorism or encounters with enraged drivers or armed felons, then inquire something along the line of "Gee, if you're an innocent law-abiding person, how would YOU protect your spouse and your kids in that situation?

That line of questioning hits a brick wall when the person responsds that they can not take a life no matter what the situation or who is in danger... :banghead:
From what I understand, many of them will not fight to save their own lives, but they change their story when it's to protect their daughter, wife, son, etc.

That's truly sad when one will not protect their own because of their "morals."
My wife isn't anti-gun, but she has repeatedly said she couldn't kill someone else to save her own life. :rolleyes: When I ask about saving her dog, though, she becomes a little more aggressive.
I've found the best way to practice reasoning with anti-Second Amendment bigots is to herd squirrels in the front yard for several hours.

Got any pics of that? :p

I like the argument of "acting harmless doesn't guarantee you won't be harmed"
Some women might not kill to protect themselves,

but if you couch it in terms of hurting a child, they'll grab the nearest blunt object and perform exploratory rectal surgery on the bad guy. In a heartbeat.
I Think You're Onto Something

Hmmm.....It makes sense that the reason Anti's are the way they are is because they perceive (A) The Tool (firearm) is inherently evil or (B) They think by being against the idea of using force, they are helping to expand the view that "we should all just get along".

If you couch the use of a firearm in terms of protecting an innocent childi.e. theirs or someone else's from the certainty of death or serious bodily injury, it seems to soften their resistance.

In my (former) pacifist days, I actually believed that by being non-violent I could appeal to the higher instincts rather than the lower instincts, but I (and others like me) had a much harder time when it came to other innocent victims suffering because of a lack of action in defending them. And for me, that was part of what eventually brought me full circle.

It is easier for Anti's to "see the difference" when it comes to defending others as opposed to themselves. They are more likely to take action to prevent the death or serious injury of another innocent victim than they are in defending themselves. That's particularly true of the cases where children, the elderly, or other defenseless persons are involved.

So by "shaping" the discussion, and by not taking an angry accusatory in-your-face approach, you're more likely to help soften their attitude. I also agree that IF you can convince an Anti to go and just try out a .22, they might just find that they LIKE shooting.
Not more than 5 years ago my best friend was anti-gun. Today he's building his own AR-15 for his first gun.

Mainly people are anti-gun from their parents programming. With rational people, like my friend, i gave him hard facts and took him shooting. It kinda helps that he's become very libertarian minded in the process.
Three little words...


My preference is to have them shoot at clay targets with either a 20ga or lightly loaded 12ga. Make sure to stress safety, over and over. Ensure that they have good hearing protection (plugs and muffs) and eye protection. Take it easy and make it fun. Try to pick a range which is yahoo-free. If you've got a spouse/s.o. who shoots, make it a group outing. Nothing says "unintimidating" more than having the whole family there.

The thing is, they'll discover that shooting can be... fun. Who'da thunk it? If you do your part, they'll see that gun owners are safety-conscious, considerate people. I've seen people with no experience and "anti" leanings go out to the trap range a few times, and end up buying their own guns after a couple months.

Save the hard-core self-defense, governemental checks/balances issues for a later time. Once they've realized that guns aren't evil, and that gun owners are responsible.

FWIW, for a long time, my wife was pretty neutral. She shot handguns at the range a few times, but didn't really get into it. However, once she tried trap, she was hooked. A couple years ago, I had to travel out of town for a week. Concerned for her safety, I made sure that she knew what handguns were loaded and how to access them. She then surprised me and said that she could never use a pistol to shoot someone. I was kind of taken aback and started into the "You've got to protect yourself and the kids" argument.

She then stated "I really don't like pistols. How about setting me up with my shotgun?".

"Ummm.... no problem, honey!!" :D
What everyone else said.

The only way is to take them shooting. I worked for months and months on my friend with various arguments and he didn't crack until I took him shooting. I got him hooked and he's got his own 870 now and wants to go duck hunting. :eek:
I second the "Take Them Shooting" suggestion. If a person won't go shooting with you, or avoids the topic entirely, then you know not to discuss it with them any more. There's no point in attempting to convince them that your position is correct at that point, because they've already decided it for themselves and no amount of badgering or convincing on your part is going to change that.

Incidentally, the types who I run into this situation with generally do not have any prior hands-on experience with firearms whatsoever, and usually have never even touched a real one. Big surprise there.

When it comes to self defense, you'll inevitably encounter the person who suggests that you'll be safe as long as you give an aggressor what he wants. The general assumption is that all an aggressor is going to desire is your money or personal effects and he'll leave you alone. I have attempted to reason with people by asking them if they'd allow themselves or a loved one to be raped, and the general line I get after that is the common (and overtly sexist) statement that "women would only have their weapons taken from them and used against them in that situation." I then go on to mention that there are such things as women police officers and military personnel, and the inevitable response is that they have the "appropriate training." As if this training cannot be accquired by women outside of those fields or that it suddenly dissapears after an individual re-enters civilian life.

What really gets people, after this line of reasoning, is if you ask them if by "giving the aggressor what he wants" they mean that it's okay if the aggressor helps himself to one of their children. At that point, almost nobody says yes. Although surprisingly I've had a few people tell me that they'd let them actually take their kid because "the police would find him."

It scares me. But the bottom line is if they won't go shooting with you or allow themselves to be around real firearms (even in a safe environment) they're not worth expending your personal energy to reason with, because at that point their minds are closed entirely and they will not have any of your arguments, no matter how well-formulated.

In general, it is not really worth the effort to attempt to "convert" people who have hopped on the anti-gun bandwagon. Better to just invite neutral people to go shooting with you and see if they enjoy it.
i justtake them shooting. it has worked 5 out of 5 times for myself. only once have i converted someone who i didn't take shooting.
Lets just say I don't have time for stupid people , matters not if we came from the same parents .

I have been using the "keep my mouth shut" method. I am told my eyes get more green when I get angry.

Recently ,once again, my eyes became more green as I diffused a potenially serious situation- one I warned about- I had kids to protect. Yep I was CCW-ing at the time.

Must have had some "effect" , afterwards the 16 y/o had to out in the back yard and chant Kumbaya and hug trees...in the meantime I was giving a 10 and 14 y/o a combo Eddie Eagle/ Cooper's Color Code/ 4 Rules of gun safety lesson. The 10 and 14 y/o remembered earlier lessons...probably why the 14 y/o followed instructions and took the actions she did getting the 10 yr old to safety. The 16 y/o on the other hand was following the advice of the Brady Bunch...sheesh...

One has a better understanding of enemies at times than they do family. I think I need to find a new family.

Have I mentioned I'm adoptable?
"My wife isn't anti-gun, but she has repeatedly said she couldn't kill someone else to save her own life."

My wife doesn't have that problem. In fact, she's threatened to kill me for the fun of it several times. :neener:

Seriously, you have much more of a chance of convincing an anti to at least be neutral when you bring in the protection of kids aspect - esp. THEIR kids. We had an incident in Texas about 2 years ago when some whacko kidnapped an infant by stealing the car when the idiot momma left the keys inside while returning the shopping cart. I often bring up that incident to ask people what they would do if something like that happened to them. I come right out and tell them that I'd shoot to kill as fast as I could get the gun from my holster. With unconvertable morons, I ask them if peeing in their pants is an effective tactic to stop a kidnapper.

But merely converting an anti to a neutral party is only a holding action. We need more gun owners, more people who see things from our point of view. The ONLY solution that I've ever heard of or seen working is to take the person in question out shooting. Start with .22 rimfires - no use having the recoil scare them. The feeling that I get when I see the pride in someone's eyes after they've shot out a bullseye is beyond words, as I know that I've won a convert. Right now I'm working on a whole family (parents, who are a bit older than me, and their 3 teenagers), and I'll have them out at the range soon. It doesn't hurt that a) the father was recently threatened and is no thinking seriously about a gun and b) that the oldest kid (who's a bit anti) has a fiance who wants a gun and a carry permit.
the person responsds that they can not take a life no matter what the situation or who is in danger
Well, I would like to ask people like that "then why don't we just disband our police departments and abolish prisons ????????"

If you don't have the right of self protection, then you don't have a right to delegate that non-existent right to someone else.
My wife isn't anti-gun, but she has repeatedly said she couldn't kill someone else to save her own life.
I call "BS" on that argument.

99% of the time people who pull that argument are lying but know they won't be called on it so they think its an effective rhetorical tool.

When it pops up I tell them they I believe they are lying just to win the argument and the whole thing ends right there as I refuse to bang my head against the brick wall if stupidity :banghead: .

I've only met a couple of "true" pacifists in my life and both of them could have easily knocked out any assailant with the cloud of "patchouli gas" that followed them around :p
"Why do I need a gun in my home? I can just call 911."

"Do you have a fire extinguisher in your home?

"Of course!"

"Why, just call 911 and the nice firemen will be there as soon as they can. Besides, you might hurt yourself trying to put out the fire".

Then take them shooting.
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