How to end Gun Shows - too close to Sensitive Areas?

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Oct 21, 2005

I see this being the reasoning for them to close gun shows. They'll just say that gun shows can't be within 1,000 yards of sensitive areas such as school, playgrounds, and other sensitive areas, because it's for the children of course. There will be no where that gun shows can be held without violating the distance ordinance.

Do you think they will use city distance ordinances to stop gun shows?

As you can see by the article below they are trying to keep gun shows away from schools already and have done so in many places a long time ago.

If I'm not mistaken, it's already against federal law to have a firearm within 1000 ft of a school unless you have a license from the state the school is located in, which means technically without a license you can't legally take a gun almost anywhere in a populated area.
In states like FL, that won't mean much, as most shows are at fairgrounds and large facilitys, like civic centers.
gym said:
In states like FL, that won't mean much, as most shows are at fairgrounds and large facilitys, like civic centers.

Same here in NE Ohio. Most of the shows that I have been to were either at county fairgrounds or convention centers. None of them were anywhere near 1000' of a sensitive area.
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Funny, I just recalled that back in the '90s, I had actually attended gun shows IN a school in central PA! They probably had no idea of the law and no one ever got the least bit upset about it either.
I'm so terribly tired of laws that make no sense.
They also have similar laws for establishments that sell alcohol.
Are they really afraid that grade school kids are going to skip class to buy guns and hang out in bars?
Shoot, there are 4 gunshows locally that are held AT SCHOOLS
most are hosted by a booster club or a community partner (Lions Club)
Shoot, there are 4 gunshows locally that are held AT SCHOOLS
most are hosted by a booster club or a community partner (Lions Club)

The school in Spooner, Wisconsin just stopped a gun show at a school that has been having gun shows there for like 30 years.

It's like NY, where you basically can't have a gun shop because it's too close to one sensitive area or another.
You can't even have a bar or restaurant "that serves liquor", near a school or church in some areas. I had a friend who had a busy nightclub which was near enough to a school and a church that no matter what we did, he couldn't get a license. The strange thing is that he didn't even open until midnight, so it wasn't like kids or parishiners even would know it was there.
Just stupid laws. They make blanket laws and believe they will cover everyone, instead of looking at the individual situations.
He was running it and just paying a fine every night, it made so much money it didn't matter. the good thing was I got to talk to one of the female cops who did playboy centerfold during the encounter.
That was a big deal back then, when a lady cop did playboy, now no one would give it a second thought.
Rusthunter87 said:
why would it matter where a gun show is held?
They might be afraid a criminal might purchase a gun and be tempted to go to the nearby school to try it out.:confused:
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