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how to find an attorney in my state

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Feb 12, 2010
Hansen Idaho
Well the more I think about it, the more I think I would like to have at the very least a name before I find my self in a bad situation. Not really planing anything, but, as you know, being prepared is in fact the nature of the game. I live in Idaho around Twin Falls and Burley just in case someone here is already familiar with the area and has recommendations.

PM sent to you....

I sent you a detailed PM about legal services.
I used PM due to the pile of anti lawyer/anti legal support remarks that tend to spring up when forum members ask about services.
I don't know why you wouldn't want protection. The legal world is a whole new world and unless your familiar with it, your a fish out of water.
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Local cops....

Unless you are good friends or related, I doubt any sworn LE officers would be honest or open with you(a total stranger).
Most sheriff's offices & PDs use union lawyers or a union rep to guide them.
The LAPD has a pretty involved officer/use of force team.
Author & tactics instructor; Massad Ayoob wrote a article about how many PDs deal with police shootings(member of service) incidents.

Do you have any contact with any kind of attorney? Corporate/criminal/real estate/juvenile/civil? There are all kinds of attorneys and I'm assuming you are looking for a criminal attorney. Ask around of your friends and acquaintances if any of them have had the need of an attorney of any kind. Then contact that attorney and see if he can refer you to someone.

Another route, if you have any contacts, is to talk with a court clerk or court reporter and see who they know. Believe me, they will absolutely know the good ones and the bad ones.
Lawyers, guns & $$$.....

I still say going with a pre-paid legal services plan makes more sense & offers more benefits/value than opinions, speculation, referrals, etc.
A lawyer may of past the state bar or has a JD but when did they last litigate a criminal court case? Or handle a felony?
A business lawyer or tax atty may have the gift of gab, or look good on the surface but after a real lethal force event you need a rock solid team of professionals. Not My Cousin Vinny, www.imdb.com . :rolleyes:

Just had to get one a few years back. I took 3 months looking around! Checked state bar, asked around & did a F.U. background check on my final 5! That knocked it down to 3! Rechecked all 3 & went to see them. All were out of town attorneys . Must have done it right, as we won!
I did some research and then made an appointment with the most aggressive criminal defense attorney in Milwaukee. The guy that people go to when they are found red handed after killing their wives. The no-nonsense no-BS guy that knows how to gain every single advantage. We had a half hour meeting, I left a small retainer, memorized his cellphone number, and went home. If I ever am involved in a SD shooting here my second call after 911 will be to him. It's money well spent.

The bottom line is that when you're talking firearms "issues", you are talking criminal defense. Not family law, not real estate law, not civil litigation. You need an experienced CRIMINAL lawyer with a good track record. He's not going to be your family lawyer, unless you come from the Soprano family.


I just goggled your question. Found a long list(all different kinds) in Twin Falls, Idaho.

Didn`t seen hard to me..................:)
I had similar concerns . living in an anti gun world where good guys are bad guys if we defend ourselves, I joined the USCCA almost two years ago Insurance lawyers fees up to xxxxx dollars for your defense>criminal and civil if the family of the deceased thug decides to sue you . www.usconcealedcarry.com/shield
Being in the ACLDN also gives you access to a network of self-defense attorneys by state and some well-known expert witnesses as assets. I won't say much more about it because it's a membership service, so I'd research into the product more if you're interested.

I'd also preface things that general criminal defense is a bit different than the affirmative defense used in a self-defense case. The former is based on the defense of "I didn't do it, YOU prove I did it", while the latter is based on, "I did it, no doubt, and here's why it's justified".
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