How to legally stay alive,UK

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Do they have enough rain to explain a near constant carrying of an umbrella?
This Summer I managed just that without attracting any unwarranted attention from anyone. I also didn't get mugged or 'happy slapped' either.

The thing is about a sturdy umbrella is that the Police have to prove you had evil intent as your reason for having what is a perfectly legal object to own.

And if you are ever forced to use it defensively you will find that the term 'instant arming' protects you from offensive weapon charges.

K9 PO, I think you're mistaken about who is restricting rights. The push is largely coming from 'concerned citizens', the kind of person who'd be called a soccer mom in the USA. Ban everything for the sake of the children. This is a big part of the problem - so many people WANT to ban everything in the hope it will go away. I'm sure you know the mindset, people who think everything potentially dangerous is a weapon and having them must lead to a crazed rampage. In my opinion that's worse than a government doing it to an apathetic public (but not as bad as doing it to a largely unsupportive public).

Whilst this is very true, the same people who are calling for yobs to be disarmed are also the victims of violent crime and so I get the feeling that things are changing as far as lawful self defence is viewed by these sorts of people.
Capt. Fairburn had some great manuals, and of course the old Home Guard ones (which I was lucky enough to find).
Did anyone mention the Cold Steel version of a sharpie pen? Its specially hardened for use as a kobutan (I guess) I think its called "sharkie" :D
This thread needs to be Stickied, for the Americans.

It's a Cassandra, a living warning of what happens when a people surrender and decide they want to live in Orwell's 1984.
its specially hardened for use as a kobutan (I guess)

That assumption would be incorrect. It's ugly as sin and too large to explain as a marker and there are much better (more expensive) pens designed to work in a defensive role.
A large number of muggings in the uK smilarly to the US in reality come from britain's black population. I'm sceptical about these hairy fairy ideas to ward off your attacker- hitting his legs with a walking stick etc. You have to ask yourself Mike Tyson high on crack- a state in which he may likely be inconscient to pain and extremely pumped up on adrenalin -is he going to be scared off by some slightly built white guy ineptly trying to blow a bit of pepper in his face?
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Suggestions if I may

Permission to suggest some other Forums please.

I was asked to weigh in, why is beyond me.

United Kingdom, Australia , New Zealand, and many other Countries are Restricted, and are Represented by some outstanding members such as Fosbery, Odd Job, Spinner and many others too numerous to mention. I apologize for not mentioning everyone and leaving anyone out. I assure you, I respect and appreciate your sharing and input here on THR.

1. One can learn many things from those restricted, whether in the UK, or even areas here in the US.

a. Instead of criticizing, one would be wise to see how these restrictions came to be, and therefore learn how to prevent , and how to continue to work on changes.
These restrictions are being promoted to become part of your life, as the sucesses of Control are taken note and the same methods of implementation are being used where you live.

b. Legal definitions , and Governments different outside of the US. So one should consider the Government of UK, Australia, NZ , etc.
Meaning, the terms and interpretations differ from what US Citizens are accustomed to, and unlike the US, the process of law differs.

British Blades is one Forum I read.

These very civil and polite folks have a nice forum. Besides the Knives, these folks share British Law and Restrictions.
Most informative, not only for UK and Similar Restricted Countries, also for Me and other US citizens.
While the Law, Definitions, and everything is shared, one can also "see" how Restrictions come to be , with "terms" , "definitions" and the like and apply to the US and get an idea how these same methods can be used to Restrict Freedoms in the US, and Control Americans.

2. Acceptance is Key.
UK, Australia , New Zealand and other Areas are Restricted.
Just like I am Restricted here in the Southern United States in some areas.
Government Building, by Law, says I cannot have a gun inside.
I am also asked to pass through a Metal Detector, Empty my Pockets and the like.
I *sometimes* even have to leave a small Swiss Army Classic knife in a container, and continue my business with nothing.

Airports I have avoided.
Prisons and Jails I have not, and I assure, I am not getting onto Property with anything.
Military Bases are another.

WE silly Americans , IMO, put too much emphasis on Guns, Knives, Equipment.

If one puts every ounce of energy and mental focus on Guns, Knives, and "specific things", they Restrict Themselves in the ability to stay safe.

Human beings no matter where they live do this, just how we are made up.
If you are worried about misplacing your favorite ink pen for instance, the brain leaves the body and you are going to run a stop sign, run your grocery buggy into someone, or they you as you were not paying attention.

Ever had a fussy child in your care, at home and be distracted with that sick kid, and forget something cooking and burn it?
Maybe sick wife, husband, elderly parent, and not even at home, just "worried" and "concerned" and your focus and mindset is restricted and you make mistakes.

Here in the US, we have trainers such as SouthNarc.
One has to register to become a member to his forum.
They do not put up with Any BS, and wannabe's and bravado's is dealt with, so don't register if you are not intending to shut up and learn.

Total Protection Interactive.

There are members from the UK and elsewhere that are Restricted.
Some Real Deal Folks, that due to work, and where this work takes them, cannot have weapons.

There are places in the UK, NZ and elsewhere, I am sure, that have similar trainers and training one can find out about and therefore attend and participate in.

Legal, will be discussed, so what may "work" in UK , may not in NZ perhaps.
I do not know. All I do know is, education, investigation and verification are important in this "staying safe".

3. Do Not Advertise.
I do not care where one lives, one should not advertise.

I speak of Perceptions. In what I am familiar with, I do NOT want folks to know what I am or anything. Instead I often "give off" the perception I want them to have.
I am single, no kids.

What you will see "depends" on what "I" want you to see and hear.
Older Returning College Student, Married to a Brunette, Blond, with no kids, or two. My girlfriend, fiance, or me and my kid(s).
I fired my family, except one.
So is that my brother, sister, aunt, uncle?
My grandparents are dead, but I may be out with Grandpa or Grandma.

You will not see a knife clipped to my pocket.
BGs where I am, look for such tell-tale signs.
Security is also going to look at my pockets, to see if I have a 'tactical knife" or is that a razor blade tool I have clipped while I wear painter paints, with paint and "he must paint and do drywall stuff?"

Guns? "Oh, I thought only the Police and Military could have those"
"Skeet? What is that, oh no thank you, I am not interesting in learning to shoot a shotgun, I hear shotguns hurt when you shoot them"

I can look you in the eye ball and say this, with two CCWs on person, 4 shotguns in my vehicle and I am heading out to assist in giving lessons to ladies on how to shoot Skeet.

b. Shut Up.
Besides Internet being a Public View, on is wise to shut up in personal lives.
Assume nothing - trust nobdy.

IF for instance you have a bad leg,and use a Cane, to assist in walking, then that is why you are using a cane.
NEVER EVER suggest, not even in jest, to family - especially kids, "Yeah I will Knock the Fire out of some punk with this Cane if they mess with me".

You. Are. Screwed.

That sharing, will be advertised. Folks, kids won't "mean to" , still they will.
That sharing will come back to bite you in the butt.

"Grandpa said if any punk tried to hurt him, he would knock the fire out of them with his cane". - grandkid. School, playground, out to eat...just being a kid.

-BGs hear this, and "by golly we will show that old man a thing or two"
Now Grandpa is a target.

-Grandpa does get in a situation, whether those BGs that targeted him to make a point/example him or some other punks.

Report is taken, Investigations done, and trust me, some BGs know the law better than YOU do.
Defense Attorney is sharp, sends his investigation team and these BGs do not get into trouble, or trouble reduced.

"Let the Record show, Grandpa said he would knock the fire out of someone with that cane". Grandkid, Grandma, Kids, Sunday School Class, the folks he has coffee with at the diner, the folks at the hardware store...all tell investigators...

"yeah Grandpa said that..."
"Grandpa said that , but, just an old man, he didn't mean anything buy it...".

Defensive attorneys, the jury, the jurisdiction where this incident took place, and all sorts of "definitions" and "interpretations" - find Grandpa at fault.

Forget the cane, umbrella, or anything else.
Might be a good idea to NOT advertise, Martial Arts, or anything else either.

Concealed is Concealed, and it is NObody's business of anything one has, from mindset, training, skill sets, [Software] , to guns, knives, canes, umbrellas...[Hardware].

My take : Public Fora is fine and dandy.
Still some matter need to remain private.
I am a member of other forums, some are invite only and credentials have to be approved. Some are private and not viewable by the public.

Private Messaging works on forums such as THR.

UK, Australia, New Zealand and other members, I am sorry for your problems.
You folks have shared a wealth with me, and have my utmost respect and appreciation for doing so.

I KNOW, you have taken measures and know the laws in which you must work within.
In private, I know some special trainers and training can be had.

Now if could just us Silly Americans to pay attention and learn, and continue to learn. ;)

Page 3 girls. Gotta be someway to have that page be defined as "non-firearm" so pics could be posted. :)

Here's an umbrella designed for fighting.

I would also suggest steel-toe shoes or boots.

You could also get a length of garden hose about 16" or so, melt one end shut, fill it with sand, pack it down, melt the other end shut. Wrap it with duct tape.

One whack will break bone, and it will go through a metal detector. Easily ditchable, and easy to replace.

Also, there is this:

but I don't know how well, or even if, it works.

There is this:

And finally, here is a site for recreational reading.
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