How would you have handled it?

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My doors are locked when I'm asleep and even if one were left unlocked my dogs are in the house when I'm asleep so this wouldn't have taken place this way. Even if the dogs were outside they would have alerted me by barking loudly and continuously if anyone approached the house.

I believe in a defense in depth approach to keep people that I don't invite into the house out of the house instead of having to deal with waking up with someone standing in my bedroom door, or my daughter's.

I'm certain that this lady will lock her doors in the future. Of course, she has security cameras and didn't seem to take precautions to secure her property against entry.

If the door was left opened [ I dont do that EVER ].

And a TRESPASSER came in,the least I would do is call 9/11 and tell them to get a first responder there asap.

And I would insist on a supervisor too.

I was LEO and I would not enter unless there were amazing circumstances to REQUIRE me to do so.
He's already in your home? You've failed.

IF you are able to round up the family, you get into the safest part of the house you can, and call 911. If not, then I would (this is not the smartest idea, but when your family is at another part of the house, you do what you have to) confront them with a firearm, then assess the threat.

If the confront you first, you assess the threat with firearm drawn. If they attack, well, you shoot 'em.
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My doors are always dead bolted and i have a 1911 in arm's reach. most likely i would've drawn, but its very unlikey he would've got in the first place.
After the Jack Russel got done with him I would have had a few choice words for him. Im glad he got fired. That was totally unacceptable. I think if I was her husband I would be talking to him.
Thankfully for him the only bad thing that happened was he got fired. Definitely NOT the brightest bulb in the pack. If she had a gun he could have been shot real easy. Some people when scared and awaken like that can only "react" in a situation like that. Others can "assess and react" in a fearful situation, its the ones that just "react" that you have to be very weary of.
I keep thinking people are becoming more stupid/aggressive all the time. If this had happened to me there would likely have been a dead or wounded trespasser in my hall I am afraid. Everyone/neighbors/local LEO who knows me even remotely would never attempt this without a warning phone call asking to meet me at the door.:) Still my grass/lawn/house is of no concern to others in my state as I would have been doing anything wrong.
The disturbing thing is, if you read the story it says that she called 911 and instead of sending an officer, they transfered her to the guys boss????
I have a coworker who was telling me about his policy with any friends that have a key (i.e. if they borrowed a key to house-sit) is "do not come over at night unless you tell me first" and to call before they get there. Said he came real close to shooting a friend who ignored that advice.

Personally, I live alone. If I woke up to someone screaming at me, he has until I can reach up to my nightstand and key in the combo to my safe to stop and leave.
The county guy walked into the home and woke the woman up to complain about the length of her grass.

The owner complained about him enetering the house and he denied doing it.

She had surveillance cameras in her house and video evidence.

The county fired the guy.

If I woke up and saw a blurry figure of a large man (I wear glasses) in my bedroom doorway, I would have rolled off the bed and gone straight for the gun. You have to wonder about someone who would walk into a house in GA no less, uninvited. They would have been calling his supervisor and the coroner to my house.
This is a hard one to be THR about. No matter how you slice it, there were complete failures on both sides.

I will say that the guy who got fired got off easy.
seems like whoever didn't send a cop should at the least get some unpaid time off. referring her to his supervisor is every bit as unacceptable
In Colorado, and many other states, he could have been shot for that. Apparently he's not smart enough to realize that. Big, burly and arrogant doesn't necessarily mean intelligent. I may not have got a shot off at him, but he'd have left with messy drawers.
How is this guy immune from trespassing or B&E charges? It seems more than a simple violation of county policy..

And is anyone investigating why a deputy wasn't sent? Is it assumed that a government employee can't also be a rapist or murderer?

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