How's MaCains record on Guns?

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what I'm unclear on is his stance on the AWB.

His site says he's opposed, but I was under the impression his voting record said otherwise.

Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.
McCains record on guns is not good or bad. He did sign onto the DC vs Heller brief in favor of the second amendment as an individual right. He did however try to correct a non existant gun show loophole awhile back. Most likely he will be kissing the NRA's butt for the next year so I am optimistic. His main focus will have to be pretending the president has the power to fix the economy.
McCain has voted against the AWB every time it has come up in Congress.

He does support "closing the gunshow loophole" i.e. NICS background checks on all private sales.
Not awsome but pretty good; definately some re-education is still needed. BTW GOA would give anyone but an Anarchist a decent grade...they are extremist who never get much done in the lobby realm.
McCain isn't terrible. Brady bunch doesn't like him, but GOA give him an F-.

Then again, I don't really trust the GOA. Their webpage seems to have been put together by amateurs in a basement somewhere. Not to say that they don't make a point every once in a while, but better production values would help give their message a little more credence.
The NRA gave McCain a C in 2004 and Gun Owners of America gave him a D- from 2000-2006. Not great, but still better than the Democrats.
I'd rather have a real enemy in office that we can fight against, than a pretender that will sell us out. McCain-Fiengold showed that he has no respect for the rights of the individual. If he has authored legislation that limits what individuals can do with their money, what will he do to limit their guns?
Lesser of three evils, way I see it and will vote. Given the alternatives, it's pretty much a no brainer. At least I very much respect the man's military service record. He's a genuine hero in my eyes. And, I sure as heck don't want Obama or Hillary making the coming supreme court appointments!!!!!!! That alone is reason enough to vote McCain for me. And, there are other issues for me to vote for McCain. I am no fan of the democratic wannabes. Since they ran Joe Lieberman out of the party, screw 'em, they got no body, but left wing kooks and they just keep on getting more and more socialist.
I will not vote for McCain, Clinton, or Obama. I refuse to vote for less evil. I will find someone I believe in, write someone in, or I will not vote. We are where we are today because of voting for the less evil person.

- Sig
Living in Oregon where McCain went out of his Arizona way to lobby via relentless TV ads for "closing the gun show loop hole", and succeeded, I am in not in the frame of mind to vote for the jerk.

I am a victim of John McCain's pandering and will not vote for him. One good turn deserves another.

He seems to have no principle he is not willing to compromise for the right opportunity to "reach across the aisle" and to be "reasonable."

I won't vote for the greatest, greater or lesser evil this time around. YMMV.
It's unfortunate that no matter who the candidates are, a republican or Democrat WILL win, period. Hopefully in the future that will change but not this election.
I don't like McCain's voting record on the 2a but if I have to choose between him and another Clinton or Obama, I'd rather have him. Of course I'd much rather have a Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, or Fred Thompson in office but it's not going to happen because we don't have the 150 million votes necessary to make a write-in win. We all know how the Clintons felt on guns and some have the receipts to prove it. Obama has stated he wants to ban semi-autos. McCain isn't the best 2a supporter but he's better than the other options.
We are where we are today because of voting for the less evil person.

Yes, but I believe ALL politicians are evil so it's a lose/lose. Must vote for the less evil. The only perfect politician is the anti-christ, but thats a different subject on a differant forum. As for voting record, Mcain beats out hilbama any day.
There's no way in hell I'll vote for McCain. Aside from my disagreement with many of his stances, him and Hillary want to be President so badly, I think they would be willing to do anything to get in. People like that shouldn't have power at all, period.

I'll write in Ron Paul.
By the way, anybody remember that part in the debates where McCain said he doesn't own a gun, almost as if he was proud of it. I just about barfed.
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