Howzabout we lighten up on Alec Baldwin,,,

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Well, I'm having Christmas dinner at the home of a retired Clinical Psychologist. 45 Years of practice. Dr. Ricketts is a screaming liberal gun hater and a Democrat. (Predictably ) Ought to be an interesting conversation. Ill be curious to ask her if she has ever had any cases of someone doing great harm to another, and then just blowing it off and forgetting all about it. Without asking for names or details, of course.

Agree with Cherokee Gunslinger, post # 52 takes the prize.

And what am I doing hanging around a rabid gun hating liberal Psychologist? She, her husband and I share a mutual interest; Road Racing.
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I have as much as you -- and as much right to lecture others as if I were an expert.

Perhaps you should work on your reading comprehension. I'm not "lecturing" anyone but responding with reasoned opinion to the idea that Baldwin will be able to brush this off so easily unless he actually has some kind of antisocial personality disorder.

That's not even my own opinion, but that of people who are experts in such things.
Recently George Clooney, a liberal himself was very critical of Alex Baldwin and his lack of safety practices. According to him, he personally checks every gun he shoots along with a witness along with other steps. No live ammunition is ever allowed on set at all. He has never heard of the terms Baldwin uses. He would never rely on someone else to check the gun. In his words Balwin completely owns the death and is fully responsible for what happened. So let's not lighten up.
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