HP-22 Magazines

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Uncle Alvah

Feb 7, 2004
Duncan, NC
All in all, I really like my little Phoenix Arms HP-22.
I do not, however, think much of the magazines.
The one that came with the gun dissaembled itself, by virtue of the floor plate detaching, while I was standing about knee deep in snow. Recovery of the parts was impossible.
I bought a replacement at the store where I had bought the gun. I'm not sure if it was an OEM mag, because this one had an extension on the bottom, a small piece of steel with a groove in the front that effectively extended the grip a bit. Nice touch, however, it to recently came detached with another resulting loss of some parts.
At this point, I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do. It's a pretty fair drive to the store for another replacement, and it's a pain to order one from Phoenix also, what with shipping and all. WHEREVER I get the replacement from, I'm going to see if theres some way I can tighten up or re-enforce the floorplate. I like the HP-22 as a semi-auto. As a single shot, it SUCKS!
Suggestions welcome.
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