Hunting laws/Canned hunts

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WI has a permit to shoot from a standing vechicle for disabled. However, the law is so badly understood, the law is now written that the disabled must provide an 11"x11" square blue sign hung on the dash. WI has front and rear car tags. It was not rnough to have "disabled veteran" plates (tags).

"I had no idea there were so many hunting resources for the handicapped."

Alabama has special w/c accesible trails in prime deer areas and WI has a few rifle hunts in October before the Thanksgiving season when it never gets below zero as is common in Nov-Dec. Mobility impaired people commonly have poor circilation and get frost bit feet if they try to hunt the late season.
I would tend to agree with the 'it doesn't need to be banned, it's no different than killing a cow in a slaughterhouse' crowd if this were the best of all possilbe worlds. Only one problem with that stance, guys-this ain't the best of all possible worlds. There are probably very serious consequences to letting canned hunts proliferate and outrage the general public.
The same can -- and has -- been said by suposedly pro-gunners in regards to gun bans. "Let's give them assault rifles/handguns/.50 caliber rifles/fill-in-the-blank and they will leave the rest of us alone. I don't personally like or use those guns anyway and their use gives us legitimate sportsmen a bad name."

I've already seen propaganda from folks like PETA claiming that hunting any land with a fence around it is "canned" hunting. There's no placating these people and the only solution is public education.

IMO. :)
20 years ago, opening day was a school holiday. There were somany students and teachers gone, there was no way for the school to conduct business so the admin just closed it and didn't expect people to show up.

This was WI 50 years ago. Men complained when other men posted their land. Now, the right to hunt belongs to the landowner. WI once had 10 congressmen. It soon may have 7. A good place to be from. The taxes are robbery. It is one of two States with no CCW and if Doyle gets re-elected, the last to go CCW.

The only thing it does have is abundant water everywhere.
TexasSIGman, I now understand. However, it's sorta "one thing at a time", okay? I can see room for discussion on pastures in the range of hundreds or a few thousand, but no room for any discussion on 3-acre pens. Very different deal.

Thin Black Line, I agree that peer pressure would be the best way, but I really doubt the effectiveness.

What I've watched/read about over the last 30 or so years is the growth of an "industry". Many people in cities have money but little free time. They have little background in camping or "roughing it" and no real understanding of the concept of fair chase. It's not "evil"; it's ignorance. And, when you add in the generally hedonistic style of our society and the notion that success is measured by the size of the horns, you have a problem.

So, there are those who cater to this sort of person. And, if you get the camera angles right, you can sell the deal to a TV network. The sponsors love it because they can sell alll manner of unnecessary stuff to those who don't realize it's unnecessary.

I guess that's a bare-bones gist of what's going on. IMO, the perceptions that might occur in the public at large could very easily cause trouble for us, the 98% of hunters who don't do this pen-shoot garbage.

Drugged deer in a three-acre pen does not in any way meet the criterion of fair anything, much less fair chase.
Agreed wholeheartedly.

The anti-hunting people aren't going to go away if we just agree with them on this one ban any more than the anti-gun people are going to go away if we just agree with them on a .50BMG ban or "Saturday Night Special" ban.

The best tact to take with canned hunts is to shun those who engage in them. Social pressure is a much better way to adjust people's behavior then legislation.
That's kind of my feeling, but it's already too late. The creeping incrementalism that is seen in the RKBA fight in general is a trend that is well established in hunting regulations already. I can't see any reason why a given state shouldn't be encouraged to disallow the hunting of animals that have been drugged or physically handled within the previous 72 hours. That would allow game management between ranches while still precluding the most onerous of the 'canned hunt' issues. I'm not sure that we can do more than that without seriously harming ourselves in the long run.

Can you FORCE people to hunt fair chase? No. People have been baiting since the dawn of man, and the use of natural barriers is just about as old. And in the end, regulations are only as good as your ability to enforce them.

As a community, we need to make these folks pariahs and outcasts.
...but no room for any discussion on 3-acre pens. Very different deal.
I dunno ... if the hunter must be barefoot, shirtless and is only allowed to use a Kabar then a 3-acre pen might be okay. :neener:
The creeping incrementalism that is seen in the RKBA fight in general is a trend that is well established in hunting regulations already.
This is soo true. WI banned shooting mourning doves in 1973 to support a protest against the current war. It was only re-instated after about 30 years and many residents squealed. If you go crow hunting, you must eat the crow.

In 1989 I rented the growing rights of my 35 acres tillible for $40/acre or $1400/year. Tractor fuel $0.86/gal. In 1992, I rented the hunting rights for ten days for $10/acre x the whole 80 acres or $800/year.

Now, the hunting rights will rent for more than the ag rights on that farm as corn is still ~2.74/bu. while tractor fuel was $2.86/gal for this past season. Now it dropped a dollar a gallon in 40 days.
Canned hunting is not hunting, and does not involve fairness or sportsmanship. Lets not confuse the two. CH is a harvesting of an animal pure and simple. Not my idea of a good time, but lets keep the law away from this.

As for ken, I have a lake 2 hours away from you and I wish it would produce fish like yours is.
As a hunter and conservationist, I'm sickened to my stomach by the video. I wouldn't have been able to watch it all the way through, but for the fact that Art recommended doing so, and knowing that burrying my head in the sand helps none.

Don't let us all be tarred with that brush. And if you're not a hunter, please understand that allowing all hunters to be tarred with that brush will eventually taint your own self-- Art's very correct: hunting and shooting rights are very closely mated in the voting public's eyes.

Don't stand silent against the most despicably unethical acts, simply for the sake of unity.
Don't stand silent against the most despicably unethical acts, simply for the sake of unity.

OK, so what organizations are out there fighting this? We've learned from 2A that grassroots is tougher without some organized weight behind it.

I have to admit this is the first time I've even heard of such things, so I'm kinda at a loss.

Is this really a prevalent thing? Are there really that many people out there participating in this?
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