Hunting Squirrel or Possum

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Dec 4, 2009
Has or does anyone hunt these and eat them? I've heard of people eating squirrel before, but only on the Beverly Hillbillies have I heard of them eating possum.

What about armadillo? That just sounds gross to eat.
I don't have to hunt possum. They come to me. I have trapped them, shot them, sicced the dogs on them, whacked them with a stick, you name it. I'm almost out of CB's and they keep right on coming. It's a regular possum invasion around here. If I were to go on a two week vacation, I'd probably come home to find 10 of them living in my house.

Just in the past year, I've had three climb into the dog kennel with two large and barking coon hounds inside. :confused:

So if you ever want to try cooking one, just give me a ring. I'm not going to eat them. I just don't want to live with them. They are like the country version of sewer rats.
I see them in my neighborhood on occasion but they don't look tasty. At the old farm house where I grew up, my brother woke up with one in bed with him.

I didn't know if eating possum was just a Beverly Hillbillies joke or if it was real. I guess poor 'ol mountain folk might have eaten them.
I've shot a couple possum around the house before. never thought to eat it though. It would be a good bit of meat, however.

Squirrel is really good in a good cream stew. Squirrel is fairly fatty meat, and of course it takes 10-12 to really get much meat. Dark chicken meat is about the same consistency and substitutes well in most squirrel recipes.

As for armadillos, I've heard its tasty meat, but I could never get past the possible disease risk that comes with them. I'm sure Bear Grylls would have no problem with them, though.
Squirrel, of course. Possum..... :barf: NASTY critters. Just really nasty, big, marsupial rats. :D

Yeah, if you wanna hunt possum, just build a stand overlookin' your trash cans and put them out the night before. :rolleyes: I even shot a couple in the friggin' HOUSE!
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It would be a LOT of meat, however.

Fixed it for ya. "Good" and "possum meat" just do NOT belong in the same sentence, no matter what part of speech they are holding.

A buddy cooked one - ONCE - on a dare (and, personally, I suspect a heavily intoxicated state). Greezy, nasty, rubbery were his comments. Right up there with muskrat :)eek:).

I've heard of people eating armadillo, but not for me - thanks.

I wonder how many diseases Bear Gryllis has, anyway.

Seriously: one of the best grilled meals I've ever had was squirrel, marinated in a sweet/peppery sauce overnight, spatchcocked and grilled over hardwood coals. Drumsticks were a little puny, though.

The nastiest thing I've ever eaten was my mother-in-law's cooking. But even that hasn't prepared me for possum or 'dillo.

Wierd things I have shot and eaten:

Woodchuck (groundhog, marmots as well)

Normal things I have killed and eaten:

Domestic Cattle
Domestic Chicken
Domestic Swine
Squirrels are pretty good.

No idea about possum, and I don't plan to try it. Go kill one, put up a stove report, and you can be the one to educate us on the merits of possum backstrap.
'possum was the greasiest nasty meat I have eaten. I swear, the more I chewed the bigger it got in my mouth. Maybe there is a better recipe, but I won't be trying it again.
Red squirrel is good, gray squirrel is ok, possum is not good. My wife bakes the squirrel in apple cider sauce and it is quite tasty. Game preparation is the key. I've had prime beef that tasty rotten when not prepared properly. Good shooting
I wouldn't eat possum but I did know a guy that cooked them for his dogs. Seems that after they had the "meat" in their diet they were more aggressive when hunting.
If you get young squirrel they can be fried like chicken and taste great. One of the best meals I can remember was at my Grandma's when I was a pup. Fried squirrel, cathead biscuits with squirrel gravy. Homemade ice cream for dessert. I kept asking which one was the one I shot. Of course you need a "mess" of them to make a decent meal. The older ones are better suited for stew, dumplings, etc. Anything that tenderizes them a bit.

I actually knew an old fella that trapped possum and fed them out on corn for a while. He claimed it reduced the greasy problem. He said all he needed to do was place a 55 gal drum out with a board leaned up to it. They'd climb up and couldn't get out when they dropped in. I've tasted it before, kinda like pork. I'll probably pass on it again.

My favorite recipe for possum is to place it on an oak board, cover it with potatoes celery, peppers and carrots. Bake for 3 hours at 350deg. Then throw everything away and eat the board.
When I read your question I thought, "This must be a city boy."
Stay with The Beverly Hillbillies, you`ll learn a thing or two. :)
Two or three grey squirrels will feed four adults pretty well(unless you have tiny squirrels where you live),with the afore mentioned bisquits and gravy + green peas. I've never eaten possum myself although I've trapped and killed hundreds of them but 'possums,groundhog and squirrel/rabbits kept my dad and his family alive during the depression. Baked 'possum and sweet potatoes will keep your navel and backbone apart. P.S.,armadillos have displaced 'possums as a middle of the road ornament here.
If'n you ain't eatin' squirrels, you're missin' out. Squirrel stew, fried squirrel, smothered squirrel, squirrel dumplin's, BBQ squirrel,.....anybody seen Bubba? :D

I shot a lot of squirrel when I was a kid. Mom was the cook. We ate it regularly. Don't hunt 'em a lot anymore. Usually like to fry the young ones and stew the older ones in the crock pot.
We have an armadillo season here, but I don't see myself ever eating or tasting one or eating squirrel, possum, or coon.
Thankfully at this point in time none of us are forced to eat anything we find un-appetizing. That hasn't always been the case in this country and if the economy keeps going south,well...we might not be as picky as we are now.
Diller is supposed to be like pork. Never at that, myself. Coon, can take it or leave it. When times get really bad, I have a bay full of fish and oysters and crab right out my front door about 150 yards. Got lots of fishing equipment, even illegal nets for if it ever came to it.
Squirrel makes for a good meal. Just need a few of them to actually get a good amount of meat.

I have had possum... not for me. Like coon for a lot of peope. Some really like it, and some hate it. I don't like coon or possum. :)
Many years ago my Grandfather and I came across a dead horse in the wood's while deer hunting. My Grandfather noticed a chewed hole in the rear of the horse and told me to watch this, he Kicked the horse in the belly and we could not believe how many possums came out of that horses rear end. Best I remember there was 11 possums in this horse all covered in gut's along with the smell. I believe I will pass on trying any good old possum no matter how it's cooked. Now squirrel is pretty tasty depending on how it's cooked, I like it boiled and then fried best I believe but have had it fixed many ways.
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