I always knew he was a R.I.N.O.!!!!!

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Dec 25, 2002
Near the border of occupied Azlan and Mexico.
No big deal.

This is just some chump trying to bail all the water out of his rapidly sinking political career. Since this is a primarily blue state, he probably figures to curry some favor with the dems and get reelected (HA!)
It is interesting how everyone sees what he wants to see. (see my sig) :D

I see Aanold as a midroad reformer without a real party affilitation. He is too far to the left to be a Rep and too far to the right to be a Dem. As such, he probably is a RINO, but certainly not in the same boat as McCain.

So, he hired a lesbian. BFD. We should be concerned if she is competent, rather than the letter before/after her name or whom (or even what) she sleeps with.

Actually, he even went ahead and just spelled it out in his usual to-the-point style:

"She is willing to take her Democratic philosophy aside and implement my vision."

If we are to have a bright future as a country, we need more politicians like him - straight-talker color-blind nonpartisan pragmatic patriots. Next to him, the Washington crowd are a bunch of imbecile whores.
The problem isn't that Schwarzenegger hired a lesbian—I've done precisely that myself, as a matter of fact—but that he's hired a representative of the Democratic (sic) party for a position of trust.

You couldn't make up this kind of stuff if you tried.
Standing Wolf said:
The problem isn't that Schwarzenegger hired a lesbian—I've done precisely that myself, as a matter of fact—but that he's hired a representative of the Democratic (sic) party for a position of trust.

You couldn't make up this kind of stuff if you tried.

A RINO is a 'Republican In Name Only'- like George Bush and the majority of both houses of congress. Any Bush supporter/GOP apologist has no business laughing at Arnold. Clean up your own house first.
Arnold never claimed to be a social conservative.

She knows, also, that he vetoed a gay marriage bill because it contradicted a vote of the people (not because he opposes gay marriage). If she had a real problem with that, she didn't have to take the job.

I'm curious to know what she wants out of this.

And I'd much rather see Arnold hire libertarian types than Democrats.

But throwing him in the same pot with McCain is inaccurate to say the least.

Now, personally, I think government should stay the hell out of marriage. Let gay people do what they want. But there is no logical reason I can think of to allow gay marriage without allowing polygamy, or while restricting who can get married in any other way. So the best solution to me is just to butt out. Let people do what they want, one way or another. Don't use the government for social engineering, no matter what the "desired" result.

Hell, he's worse ... he's a Kennedy!


And besides it was only Teddy that had the dead hooker problem, the others never drove off the bridge, (cause it is quite well proven they drove drunk, and were adultruous.
Standing Wolf said:
The problem isn't that Schwarzenegger hired a lesbian—I've done precisely that myself, as a matter of fact—but that he's hired a representative of the Democratic (sic) party for a position of trust.

You couldn't make up this kind of stuff if you tried.

Ah, I missed that.

I also heard today that she was part of Gray Davis's group, and that has a lot of folks understandably upset.
Arnold apparently is not doing well in Alameda County polls.

Or Marin County. or...........

If he thinks he is going to win support in areas that opposed the Gray Davis recall, he is delusional
Regardless of how he's perceived, he has vetoed half of the anti-gun
bills he's had on his desk. Grey Davis was called a moderate Dem,
and once he was in office one of the most repressive gun bills in
recent history was signed into law. I refer to SB-23, Cal's " Assault
Weapons" law, not to mention the drop test law, the once a month
purchase law, and a myriad of others laws that are aimed at one
thing, and thats to make private gun ownership here in Corruptforina
a thing of the past.

AS might be the "RINO", but one thing is clear. Democrats are NO
friends to the gun industry or law-abiding gun enthusiasts and Cal
with it's majority in the Assembly and the Senate is one of the worse.

AS is doing what he can do with what is has to work with. What is
so troubling is the "people" here in Cal, shut him down on all
of the props he brought forth. The "People" were upset with the
election, so they decided to show him what's what, and STILL
keep this state in a mess. Nice going. The homosexual deal
doesn't mean squat to me, but the mention of a Dem in
another high position has me wanting to regurgitate.

But what are ya gonna do ? :banghead:
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