I am drunk and love my LCR.

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Mar 21, 2010
Corvallis, OR
No worries, I'm not touching it.

But I did realize that today while I was talking to Household-6 about my amazing Colt New Agent, what I was stuffing in my cargo pocket was the old fashioned LCR.

Don't get me wrong, the moment my pocket holster for the New Agent comes in, there is a chance that I will carry that instead, but as is, the Oregon summer has made me seriously think about my clothing.
What I usually dress in is a pair of nice and loose Cargo Shorts, stuffed to the gills with well, my LCR (no reloads,) my Blackberry, my wallet, a pocket knife and a tight fitting t-shirt, because Household-6 likes that kind of thing.

So I can only add my limited account to those that praise the good old fashioned snub-nose revolvers.

While in theory, yes I'd like a nice semi-auto in my epic Yaqui holster dangling from my belt, frankly in the circles I run in that's simply not an option.
And in that case the only option is "yet another bulge in that guys cargo pockets."

That being said, I've had a few and I'm waxing poetic, but that little LCR has been my sole companion from the time that I've started carrying. (Does this negatively date me?) And man, I am attached to it.
The point being really that in real life I can talk about this and that, about caliber wars, Glock wars and the most favorite 1911 platform, but at the end of the day, I do still carry what fits in my damn pocket.
We'll see how I reply in the morning though, right?
Thanks for sharing, but why are you telling us? Call up your ex-girlfriends and tell them!
old fashioned LCR


I reckon this is about the only instance in which we'll hear an alloy and composite revolver designed and built with digital technology and released in 2008 as the first of it's kind referred to as "old fashioned".
I wonder if he'll try 'stopping short' (ala: seinfeld) with his LCR next?!?! Puppy love... its so cute! LOL
A drunk with guns.

Unfortunatly there's this huge red herring in the middle of this thread that seems to be inviting off-topic comments.

Even more unfortunatly, the OP "OT'd" his own thread! :scrutiny:

I think the most valuable closing remarks remain these:

at the end of the day, I do still carry what fits in my ... pocket.

If you have any decent, reliable gun that you WILL carry, it beats all the others that you MIGHT carry.

sic terminus
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