I call BS...Lefties shooting Right handed.

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Sep 16, 2003
I always see people say learn to shoot right handed when lefties come on looking for advice for guns.
I just want to know how the heck you lefties are training yourselves to shoot right handed.
I shot right handed untill I was about 25 years old +/-. I am right handed but left eye dominant.
With a shotgun I could compensate some. I was the worst shot with a shotgun you had ever seen though. I couldnt even get a cheek weld on a rifle because shooting right handed I cant see through the scope. I used to shoot my .22 and .243 when I was a kid holding the gun out with my arms fully extended so I could see through the scope.
So I figure I had about 15-16 years of trying to shoot right handed. Heck I didnt even know shooting lefty was an option. I mean I was right handed. I didnt even know they made left handed guns untill I got out on my own.
lol yeah yeah, Im a hick that grew up in a small town.
Any way Im done ranting. lol..It just kinda bugs me when I always see the response of learn to shoot right handed. Im not picking on anyone. I see this answer on lots of different forums.

Call BS all you want. I am left handed, and I have shot RIGHT handed all my life-- long guns and handguns equally.

Perhaps as a consequence, I feel equally comfortable shooting right or left handed. My groups are the same either way. Plus, I have killed as many deer left handed as I have right handed due to environmental circumstances.


With iron sights, I use my left eye to aim left handed, and my right eye to aim right handed. With optics, I keep both eyes open, but let the "like" eye dominate the sight picture.

So, for some of us, it just comes natural.

Understand, however, that my father-- who has shot all his life could not do that to save his life.

EDIT: I forgot to mention. While left-handed, my preferred and "standard" shooting is Right-handed.

-- John
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I'm a righty and shootleft handed. I am left eye dominant and was always taught to shoot with your dominant eye. It would feel uncomfortable to shoot long guns right handed and i had terrible results trying it when I was first learning.
Just because you can't do it doesn't mean it doesn't happen all the time.

I'm a righty left eye dominant. I shoot long guns left handed, and pistols right handed. I always shoot both eyes open. I always use my left eye for the sight picture. My right eye has poor vision, but my left eye is/was 20/20.

Oh, and FWIW my friend shoots guns RH, but bow LH, and he is a lefty.
I am right handed (writing) comfortable doing many things left handed.... left eye dominant, and shoot lefty so its natural to work a right hand bolt with my thumb... works fine for me
Never said that no one could do it.

Perhaps there are degree's of one eye being more dominant than the other for some people.

I also shoot handguns right handed since I am able to keep both eyes open.

Basically just wanted to point out that some people cant shoot long guns right handed. No matter how bad they want to. I would love to shoot long guns right handed. It would be much easier.

Again, yes its not that HUGE of a deal to just shoot a right handed gun left. Especially a semi-auto as you usually dont notice the shell being ejected. Unless it hits you in the face. :D
I still prefer to buy left handed guns when I can. For some of us its just a backwards world. :D
Well, I'm a righty and I'm right eye dominant, but I might need to learn to shoot left handed sometime in the future due to a bad right shoulder. It shouldn't be all bad though since I have better vision in my left eye.
I write left handed, shoot a rifle left handed- left eye. Everything else I do right handed... pistol right handed- right eye. Throw a ball/bat right handed etc.

No B.S.
I do have a feeling eye dominance could potentially have something to do with it.

I really have no sense of having a dominant eye.

-- John
As a general rule, lefties have an easier time using their nondominant hand for various tasks.

This is in part due to the way our brains are organized, and in part due to the fact that we've spent a lifetime adapting to a world that mostly optimizes design choices to the right hander.

Very few lefties are *pure* lefty the way a righty will be a pure righty.

Me, for example:

Things I do predominantly left handed:

Shoot (left eye dominant)
Single handed sword fighting.

Things I do right handed:

Knife fighting.
Two handed sword fighting
baseball, both throwing and batting
mouse/pointing devices
bow & arrow

And yes, having a gun in my favorite gun hand, and a knife in my favorite knife hand ROCKS. Can you say *retention*?
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I kinda wish I would have learned to shoot right handed. I am left handed and left eye dominant. I do pretty much everything left handed. Being able to shoot right handed would be so much more convenient, but I can't do it. and I don't have the motivation to try to change. Plus being left eye dominant it'd be even harder to learn.
I'm right hand and eye dominant. Every once in a while I try to shoot left handed and it just feels so freaky and weird I stop. I can't even get a proper cheek weld or sight picture.
Interesting thread

I always thought I was a bit odd. I'm right handed, but as a kid learning to shoot, my natural tendency was to hold the rifle left-handed. My Dad taught me to shoot right-handed, saying it would be better for me because of shells and hot gas not blowing across my face. (dunno how much truth there is to that, but oh well :) )

Thing is, I'm left-eye dominant. But I use my RIGHT eye when sighting a rifle.

For pistol, however, I keep both eyes open but sight with my LEFT eye.

I'm a pretty good shot with both, so its worked for me. I think whatever works for the individual shooter is the "correct" way. As long as the results are accurate and the sight picture is the same every time, do what feels right.
Left handed or right handed, it's all a matter of habit. A right handed person may have a few things they can do well or better with one's left hand because that person habitually did that certain thing with the left hand, and vice versa.

It's about developing control sense. These is no reason anyone can shoot with their right hand or left hand and do it well, unless they have a disability.

Eye dominance is more of a problem, but it's a non-issue if the shooter shoots with only one eye open.
Some what Ambi

Im a mess ...lol

Well I shoot a rifle Left handed

Bow Right Handed - Won indoor leagues have 3 robin hoods hanging on the wall

Play Pool Left handed

Golf Right handed

Pistol Left handed

Baseball catch and throw right handed

Left eye Dominate but can switch it based on what im doing.:what:
I'm left handed and left eye dominant. 90% of the things I do in life I do left handed. But I naturally shoot guns right handed, play golf right handed, and play guitar right handed. I play basketball right handed but play softball left handed. I operate a computer mouse with my right hand. I can operate TV/VCR/DVD remote controls equally well with either hand. :)
shoot, i would just get a left handed rifle if i was a leftie, those used left handed bolt actions are dirt cheap LOL
I'm completely left handed. The only thing I do with my right is to use a computer mouse-not all of the time-and only because I spent years and years forced to use my right hand while using computers.

OTOH, in a pinch I've been able to pick up a rifle and shoot it right-handed right-eyed, with both eyes open. Definitely won't get sub-MOA, but accuracy is fairly acceptable. It just really doesn't feel right.

I'm left/left. My daughter, we found, is right handed/left master eyed. When we got her switched from right shoulder to left shoulder with long guns, the accuracy improved a solid 10%.

I'm left handed / left eye dominant I shoot handguns left handed but shoot rifles right handed and haven't had a problem.

My shotguns have ghost ring sights and haven't had a problem with them either, my interest in shotguns is for self defense though.

Wife and step son are both right handed / right eye dominant so I'm not particularly interested in getting a lot of left handed rifles.

I am considering learning how to shoot rifles left handed for fun and just to be able to keep both eyes open.
Like many here, I do different things with different hands, though for each activity, I'm not very good at using my weak hand.

I shoot left handed; both long guns and pistols. I'm slightly left eye dominant, but that is not a controlling factor in which way I shoot... I could quickly develop the muscle memory to use my right eye if I wanted to... It does feel quite unnatural for me to shoulder a long gun right handed, or try to shoot a pistol right handed. Having to reverse all my physical movements, would, I believe, be quite challenging.

I've been shooting right handed guns left handed all my life and never had a problem. Heck, I find some some "right handed" platforms to be just as, if not more lefty friendly than they are righty friendly.
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