I carry around the house does this sound crazy

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I carry all day, every day, even at home.

Doing so ensures that 1) I am always armed in case of emergency, 2) my firearm is always secure.

Ultimately, it's about responsibility. Responsibility doesn't end at your door.
I carry around the house does this sound crazy[?]

I live in a very middle-class neighborhood. Just a few blocks from me are a few streets with homes having slightly higher pricetags and not only are burglaries becoming more common, recently there have been two different home invasion burglaries involving brutal physical assault... granted, the Lexii and BMW's in those driveways may distract the perps from the street I live on, but, still... one never knows. Also, why should I own sporting arms yet not have two or three of them available for ready use in defense of my home and family? Yes, I 'carry' at home.

I look at my habit of being armed and ready in my own home as not only being prepared but also as "administrative" practice/proficiency training... to unlock, clear, load, holster, carry, then when leaving the house unload and secure my weapons (except for that favorite little .45), with a little bit of "tactical" practice thrown in. One can never have too much practice... I also target shoot at several local shooting ranges, indoor and outdoor.

Just because I wish to never needlessly harm another human being does not! mean I won't train to use whatever force necessary to stop any threat to our residential safety and well-being.


That is the problem--people think that they are safe if they "are not in a bad place".

Guess what? The people who live in the "bad places" know that those of us who live in "good places" have the stuff they want. What stands between them and you...other than a car ride?

I think you have already connected the dots correctly...


Funny how human nature remains the same, even over the many years since the Revolutionary War regardless of "progress" either intellectual or technical... this is yet another reason why we must stand firm against any and all intrusions which threaten our 2nd Amendment rights.

"The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms, like laws, discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as property. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside … Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them."

-Thomas Paine
I've carry nearly 24/7, and when I'm not it's under my pillow, been doing this for decades. Whether or not it seems crazy to someone else doesn't concern me, however not being prepared to defend my wife and I, does seem crazy.

Its not crazy. Home invasions happen. Stray vicious dogs are out there.
And I don't [care] what my wife's sister thinks.
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Thank you all for the replies the situation I am in is this we recently moved to a much larger city than were I am from or her for that matter I'm talking from a few thousand people to over 200,000 people well her sister has lived her for the past two years and IMHO is just a hair bit two naive when it comes to people :what: also back home I lived in the sticks and I knew exactly when someone pulled up thank god for dogs :D the 870 was close at hand a couple of times because where I am from there is a horrible meth problem :fire: :cuss: :banghead::barf:
I don't always carry around the the house but since the kid was executed over at lake just down the road I have been doing it more. At night, a .357 lays on the night stand next to a full mag for the M4 that is within arm reach. When I do carry, a LCP goes with me.

We have a slight gang presence here, usually just some fence tagging and cars have been "jockey boxed" but up untill that kid was shot for being suspected of being an informant hardly anyone cared. Now the whole neighborhood is more alert.
Your house and none of her business.

I recently found the weak link in my defense. In the summer I spend a fair amount of time in my swimming pool. Kinda hard to carry in that situation. So, I bought a little digi-camo zippered case designed for cell phones and have a Kel P32 with an extra mag tucked into it that sits within reach when I am in the pool. It will even hold my cell phone. Some may consider that to be paranoid but it only allows for protection when I am probably most vulnerable.
^^ I do this, too, though without the case. Just grab one of my "lesser-refined" pieces and my phone and keep them near. I also make it a point to have all the windows facing the pool open so I can see into the house.
My dad is a retired firefighter. One afternoon a few years ago, a guy he worked with at the station was at home with his family carrying when 2 or 3 home invaders came in armed and ordered everyone down on the ground. When he got his chance he pulled his pistol and shot at least one of them and the others fled.
I think it is crazy. I think the idea that one needs to carry today in our time is crazy. You can bet there is a loaded one around my house at all times, but I aint carting it around.

Do I think your crazy... I would surly hope not. Took my wife over to meet and old friend where I grew up. His wife answered the door and directed us to the kitchen. We found him crouched under the sink playing with the plumbing, a six shooter holstered on his side; didn't seem to phase the wife one bit, but what do expect out West? Crumpets and tea?

When my grandfather walked out the front door he would take the Winchester down from above the door. When he came back in, he put it back above the door. Much the same as you or I would with a coat off the coat rack next to the door in the winter months. My grandfather was as sane as you and me.

Pants on, gun's on. ;)

Couple of years back, guy in my Mom's town liked to burglarize homes when the residents were working in their yards. It would truly suck to face your own firearm when you could have had it on your person and thus secured. :uhoh:
CarolinaChuck writes:
I think the idea that one needs to carry today in our time is crazy.

Not one of us carries because we think we "need to". In fact, none of us does need to.

Should that change, however, that change will be quite sudden.
I am still trying to get past the part where his sister in law found out about the gun. Concealed is concealed in my book. No, I don't show off my guns to anyone other than my brother. I don't want gossip to turn into a burglary.
Started carrying away from home as soon as I legally could. Subsequently captured two burglars at gunpoint breaking into my business and later a car thief inside my vehicle at gun point. All of them were carrying burglary tools that could have been easily used as deadly weapons.

Started carrying on my property after being confronted by 3 pack-dogs while mowing the lawn. Lucky for me that I escaped unscathed. The next predators will get the welcome that they deserve.

Started carrying indoors when I happened to see a man in my garage though the kitchen-garage door window. He spotted me as well and by the time I retrieved a gun he was haulin’ ass off my property in his pick-em-up truck.

I am damn lucky I was able to learn by experience without suffering any consequences. Now I’m trying to become wise by learning through the experiences of others… one of the reasons I’m on THR.
I carry 100% of the time at home both in the house and outside.
Live in a low crime neighborhood- but one never knows.

Awhile back my wife found a sweaty shirt in our yard one morning- called me at work and I rushed home and reviewed our security cam footage-
Well, here was this guy bolting through my FENCED 2 acres and out my driveway.
Turns out he was fleeing a hit and run that happened hours before and 5 MILES away, ditched his shirt in my yard and lost a shoe in the neighbors yard. Cops were appreciative of the video to confirm he was who they thought he was.

So much for living in a low crime neighborhood- he arrived on the run from elsewhere. Could happen anywhere.

He was extremely lucky, that first, the two dogs were in the house, and second- I was at work.

I also found a Rottweiler in our fenced yard one morning- he had climbed our fence to get in. Turned out to be a nice friendly dog- but what if he hadn't and I blindly walked out my back door.....don't misunderstand- I love dogs, but I'm not going to be attacked by one I don't know either.

I've gotten so used to 100% carry off work I don't even notice anymore, not even my current XDs .45 in one pocket and a spare 7 round mag in the other.
I will not question you about anything. YOU have the permit so if you feel like carryiing do it.
I carried a gun all the time when I lived in Detriot--home or away.
Now-at home- I have a gun stashed in every room that I may be in. I carry all the time away from home.
Too many newcomers moving in--why take chances.
I have one and she is 10 now, so ponies and rainbows are going away. Coach handbags and manicure/pedicures are taking their place. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. :eek:
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