I guess this deer is running from something

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I have seen the feeder make them get up and go. Maybe the flash spooked it. I saw two deer react to my ir illuminator this evening.
I'm thinking the deer is dead.

There is no Remington Game Camera that can take a moving deer shot at night like this. If this shot was taken by a Remington Game Camera, then it is not an action shot for it's imaging speed and flash could not stop the motion.

And...btw, if you dispute me then I have one more argument. (but I'll just keep this to me for now).
I do believe i'll take mcgunners word for it, i've been coming to this forum for more than a little while and I don't think I recall mcgunner ever levitating a dead deer in the past.

I don't know what spooked it but it's running, it would fall over trying to scratch like that:)
I'm thinking the deer is dead.

There is no Remington Game Camera that can take a moving deer shot at night like this. If this shot was taken by a Remington Game Camera, then it is not an action shot for it's imaging speed and flash could not stop the motion.

And...btw, if you dispute me then I have one more argument. (but I'll just keep this to me for now).
With a statement like that, you're going to have people argue even if they think you're right.

Idk what's going on with the deer, but I don't see how it could be dead unless it had a heart attack at the moment of the picture, or if it was shot and fell over during the flash. This deer isn't lying on the ground. Helluva way to be dead - hovering over the ground at 45 degrees.
I'm thinking the deer is dead.

There is no Remington Game Camera that can take a moving deer shot at night like this. If this shot was taken by a Remington Game Camera, then it is not an action shot for it's imaging speed and flash could not stop the motion.

And...btw, if you dispute me then I have one more argument. (but I'll just keep this to me for now).

Do share. Only reason I would give the pic two thoughts is the lack of dirt or dust being kicked up.
I do know the deer isn't dead. There was no blood there, no sign of a killing, and I don't think yotes could take one down fast enough not to be in a picture, too. His name ain't Lazarus and mine ain't Jesus. I check the hog trap back there every day and walk by the feeder/camera, so there'd be no time for evidence of a dead deer to disappear. And, he ain't on the ground, that branch isn't strong enough to hold him up. My first thought was he was scratching on the branches, but his feet would be under him in that case.

I know the feeder couldn't have spooked it as it has a photocell and only goes off at dawn and dusk and there was no lightening that night. I find it hard to fathom that the flash could have scared it since it flashes, then sets for a minute before it can flash again. I have plenty of deer shots that never scared 'em off, too.

But, this is the reason I posted the pic, to find out opinions as to what's going on here. Thanks for all opinions and everyone that wants to, speculate. :D Now, I'm even more confused. No dirt being kicked up, that's a good thought since there's lots of loose sand on the service around that feeder where the hogs and deer have been digging there. Hmmmmm.....
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Is this a flash camera or ir? It sure looks like flash.
there is no Remington Game Camera that can take a moving deer shot at night like this. If this shot was taken by a Remington
Why do I sense this is going to be a rant about Remington game camera quality control going to heck after moving the game camera operations in to production with marlin?
I know it isn't "Written in stone" but the tail not being flagged is odd (at least to me)
I think the deer is rubbing itself on the embankment it is lying on.

The boxer dogs do it too. Anything for a good scratch.

Or if it is running, it ran into those branches face first, and is reacting to an eyeful of branches.
If running 'from' something the tail would likely be up. If running 'to' something, the tail would be relaxed. Making a very sharp left turn at a fast run explains the angle. I suspect it's Play Time in Bambi-land and there are other young deer out of camera.

Has anyone ever watched yearlings at play?
If running 'from' something the tail would likely be up. If running 'to' something, the tail would be relaxed. Making a very sharp left turn at a fast run explains the angle. I suspect it's Play Time in Bambi-land and there are other young deer out of camera.

Now, THAT is possible, too. I had a doe and two yearling feeding there every night a few months ago.
I agree with the running to or after something theory. I've never seen a whitetail in flight mode with the tail down. It also looks to be cornering around that branch and the head seems to be turned to the left like it is looking at or for something such as a playmate.
If running 'from' something the tail would likely be up. If running 'to' something, the tail would be relaxed. Making a very sharp left turn at a fast run explains the angle. I suspect it's Play Time in Bambi-land and there are other young deer out of camera.

Has anyone ever watched yearlings at play?
We recently had two does with their young ones playing at the feeder in our front yard (five acres). we were far enough away that we did not spook them. Play time lasted about twenty minutes...

This was much like young calves (I call them high-tailers) playing. The calves will have their tail held high as they bounce about in play mode...
George Lucas cgi. The deer is being held up by a wire. Like the kung fu guys that fly through the air in movies.

Sent from my mind using ninja telepathy.
Deer is obviously leading the race. He's flat out, head down, ears back, spoiler laid down for less drag, and dropped down on the front suspension under hard braking to make the left hander just the other side of that bush. He's got the low lane blocked, so anyone who passes him, has to go to the outside. Good form.

Too bad you didn't get a shot of the rest of the pack.
I have boo-coo pictures of deer bolting from the IR on cameras. I also have a bumch of deer posing for the camera as well as some deer eyelashes where the deer is apparently licking the camera.

If we could figure out WTH a deer was doing we would be bajillionaires.
I agree with the running to or after something theory. I've never seen a whitetail in flight mode with the tail down. It also looks to be cornering around that branch and the head seems to be turned to the left like it is looking at or for something such as a playmate.
You may be correct about this situation. However, I have seen quite a few deer run off when spooked or shot at without "flagging" .. mostly bucks. It's like anything else - some do, some don't.
I was bowhunting in a tree stand in a mature open oak forest. Late fall, most leaves down,so I've got a good 150 yards visibility. Forest floor covered with dry oak leaves, very noisy walking.
So at the edge of my visibility I spot a doe and two fawn's, walking very quietly into the oaks. Well as soon as those fawns hit the open oaks it was off to the races. They chased each other in a big circle round and round at full speed, making a hell of a racket.

The doe allowed this to go on for 30 sec. then said enough. Gave a whistle or grunt and the fawn's slammed on the brakes. I mean their hooves were skidding. One got behind the other and they tip toed, single file, quiet as ghosts back to mama

Coolest thing I ever saw hunting.
I have boo-coo pictures of deer

Took me a bit to figure out what you meant. Never saw it spelled that way before. "Beaucoup". French. Means "a Lot".

Yeah, I had to go look it up. :D
Took me a bit to figure out what you meant. Never saw it spelled that way before. "Beaucoup". French. Means "a Lot".
No. That says Bow-coop which I guess is an enclosure for small neck ties.

My francais is a bit rusty other than french fries and french toast and of course french kiss.
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