I guess you have to call it a crotch rocket

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Apr 17, 2004
Thrilling Wonder has a serious big machine fetish. Today they feature a smaller machine that combines motorcycles (or at least scooters) and big military guns in the most unusual military vehicle I have ever seen.
Don't keep us in suspense... how much does it cost?

Were they successful military machines? Well, the French Army deployed about 800 armed scooters in wars conducted in both Algeria and Indochina.

Not to Francobash, and not that it's a reflection on the gear per se, but that's not the most ringing endorsement...

On a cool sidenote, one website claimed that the French gov't cut off supplies of Douk-Douk knives to Algeria during the insurgency, due to their popularity for the throat-slitting of collaborators:

Izzat a 75mm recoilless rifle?

Memory fades: help.

Talk about C & R!
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Looks recoilless to me

I was thinking it might be a 106 mm, but It's been so long since I've seen them that I'm not certain.
I don't know that a kaboom could happen with a recoilless rifle. The gas vents out the rear when the case liner ruptures. But I never discount the impossible/improbable.
yeah. i've been threatening to strap some 4" mortar tubes to the sides of my streetbike and ride around luoyang like that during the new year. cost is about 2$ a round here, so i could do some serious damage on a cheap budget.
would have to be a zippo windproof ignition system, though, at 60 kph on the nanjing road. they have a tank outside the tractor factory that we could do a youtube on, but i just don't think i have enough guanxie to get out of that one.
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