I just had to share this -- gotta love it

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That was a good post overall. I don't really get her freakout about the guy in the park, but I take it she grew up in the country so that probably has something to do with it. It sounds like he just thought she was a prostitute, which might be a reasonable assumption when you see some chick hanging around in a park in the back of a station wagon by herself. I know of a few parks near where I grew up where that kind of behavior would indicate either a prostitute or a drug dealer. It's good to be aware of the signals you're sending to other people.
Yup, but I don't think the "he thinks I'm a prostitute" idea would have occurred to her. She's mentioned that she's autistic, and has to use her wits, not instinct, to understand how the normals think. Autistic guys may hardly ever get laid, autistic gals seem to get it a _lot_ more than they want it, both from being colossally socially awkward.
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