I just heard the scariest story of my life

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yeah, i was going to mention that 'lying in wait' thing...however, walking around the home with a weapon on you shouldnt get you in too much trouble, provided the occupant of the home followed whatever laws there may be about 'duty to retreat' (if applicable) and whatnot.

good thing the window is boarded up now. if it wasnt, might have been an opportune place to leave some sharp objects that conveniently are covered by a towel. not like a boobytrap though, cause that of course is illegal.
You know, your aunt needs a cactus collection.

Harbor Freight had some el-cheapo surveillance cameras last time I was there. Point a light at the window, hook up the camera, run the wire into a locked closet, put the cactus UNDER the window, and save the tape for America's Most Painful Crooks...
"Laying in wait with a weapon is a good way to find out how you like striped sunlight."

Well yes and no.

Say your waiting for a family member to come home and you blast them=JAIL/MURDER.

Say your going to a family members house because she has a serial B&E subject camping out in the house in the middle of the night and you confront them. Then they do anything the least which threatening, you get to shoot them at that point= NO JAIL/SELF DEFENSE. Officer I feared for my life and the life of my Aunt.

Depending on the state you live in of course. All I know about is Texas, where if someone is breaking into your house (read not broken into), you can shoot a person trying to get into your house. You can shoot a vandal at night in Texas. You just open yourself up to civil liabilty if you use deadly force without being in danger. I wouldn't shoot anyone unless they did something that threatened my safety or my loved ones safety. PA law my be less liberal in the use of force than Texas. Again, check your laws. But breaking into peoples houses in the dead of night should get you shot in my mind.
Just talked with my mom. Se told me that my aunt actually thought about it for a while, figured out that this guy is serious, and is now scared ----less. I think the call finally convinced her what a nutcase he is. She gets off work late and has to pull into her garage at night. I don't know if she has an electric opener. She now thinks that he will slip under the garage door while she is getting in her car.

I hope she will use more common sense now.

good thing the window is boarded up now. if it wasnt, might have been an opportune place to leave some sharp objects that conveniently are covered by a towel. not like a boobytrap though, cause that of course is illegal.

Not only boarded up, but has a ton of heavy filing cabnets and tables in front of it. Should do that for each of the other windows, some kitchen knives... It would be satisfying but she would probably go to jail.

She is also working on getting the phone call traced.
*69 right after the call will give you what number called you. I used it when I got what I thought was a prank call IDing himself as an FBI agent wanting me to confirm what guns I own and to account for my whereabouts the week before (this was during the DC sniper stuff, you can do a search on TFL if you'd like). I called the FBI Baltimore office to let them know that there was a prank caller asking for sensitive info IDing himself as FBI and gave the number. The guy got quiet and said, that is one of our numbers from the Sniper Task Force in DC. Anyway, it works, it is cheap (your phone company will charge something like 50 cents) and maybe the police will do something with the information.

Note: *69 is here, I don't know if it is local. If it is, I'm sure the service is available elsewhere so check your phonebook or check with your local phone company to find out what to dial for the service where you are.
If he calls again

(I'm gonna suggest this but based on your description
of her behavior it may not work)
Tell your anut that the call can be traced as long as
SHE DOESN'T HANG UP (doesn't matter about the
'other end')
This has been true for YEARS despite what you have
seen in movies.
Does she have a cell phone where she can then call
the police ???
Camera & bright lights (along w/ a few relatives)
sounds like a great idea too.
This 'perp to be' or maybe 'perp already' is going to
hurt someone or already has.
Do WHATEVER it takes to stop this sicko NOW.
I understand you are young but you MUST make
someone take this seriously and take action.
If all of what I have read is true and nothing
changes, well, I've got a bad feeling about this.
It could be the B&E guy is armed. Confronting him could be quite dangerous regardless of how well you are armed and how many of you guys are there.

If this story is true, the B&E guy qualifies at least as a "cat burglar". Police will tell you they are one of the most dangerous kinds of criminal. I am surprised that the police have not done more. Besides being a cat burglar, he is also a stalker.

By the way, nsf, do you know if your state laws have provision for citizen's arrest? Some states do.
This pretty much puts all the zombie/alien/werewolf/shtf threads to shame.

This guy needs to be behind bars. Maybe a padded cell because he's crazy. But he definitely does NOT need to be out in public or in her home.

Be proactive. Make a difference. This will not end well if it's allowed to continue.
I have always assumed everyone had a small little voice of survival. I would hope that when someone is sneaking into your house and sleeping it in, that voice would say "Dear Stupid, will you CALL THE COPS FOR GOODNESS SAKE!" Or it might tell you to install windows and doors that lock. I'm suprised she hasn't drown in a pool or fallen into a sewer drain. :scrutiny:
After much deliberation, I believe I have found the only possible solution. It's risky, but it has worked in the past. Let's review your situation:

  • You've got a stalker/peeper,
  • He's sneaking into a woman's garage and house
  • No one has managed to catch him yet

How no one has brought this up so far is beyond me, but it's perfectly clear that what you need is . . . .


* You don't have . . . ahem . . . . armadillos in central Pennsylvania, do you?

How's that song go now? "Rub it in, rub it in...."


Tell your aunt that the call can be traced
Whats wrong with using caller ID????

All you have to do is dial a code like *67 before dialing the call and caller ID is blocked, this dude is most likely calling from a pay phone so the number wouldn't be a smoking gun.
"Vut happened vas foolish, Gregor. And more to ze point, it vas unnecessary! I vas not consulted before it vas done. . . . "
--Some shifty Russian from Ronin

All right, now that I've gotten that out of my system, I'll just say that we've all got loopy relations. Mine is my aunt Denise. She's as wildly anti-gun as they come, which was a relatively minor one among a lot of reasons why her marriage to uncle John didn't work out. It wasn't all her fault, of course.
Anyway, when they were still married, uncle John was a reserve cop for awhile. He carried an old .38 revolver and kept it in the dresser when he wasn't working. He was alternating working midnights at the Pillsbury plant and doing midnight shifts with the police department in sleepy little Virden, IL. Aunt Denise hated having him gone all the time, but she loathed that gun. She nagged him day and night to get rid of it. He didn't really need a gun to do police work in such a nice little town, she said, and the gun was dangerous. She was pregnant and was sure the baby would somehow find the gun once it was born.

Anyway, one night when he was gone, she heard noise outside. To her credit, she didn't just lay there and wait for it to go away. She jumped up and got out uncle John's revolver, cocked the hammer, and jumped back into bed. Then she decided to go down the hall and call her father (who lived an hour away) and tell him how scared she was and to come get her. He, being a sensible if crusty old man, told her to hang up and call the police immediately and he'd be down as soon as he could (this at 1 a.m., mind you) which, again to her credit, she did. The cop told her to get back in bed, pull her knees up, put the gun between them and cover it with the sheet. If anybody got into her room before the police arrived, she was to fire through the sheets. This strikes me as an uncomfortable way to fire a revolver, but that's the advice he gave. I guess it's better than "leave this to the professionals, ma'am" but in aunt Denise's case, that might have been the right call!

She just couldn't sit in that room and wonder what was going on, so she went downstairs and checked the entire house. She didn't use a light or turn any on. When she heard a knock on the back door, she answered it by throwing open the door and thrusting the revolver into the face of the startled man standing there, with the hammer cocked and her finger on the trigger.

And that's the story of how my crazy aunt (and my cousin Rob) survived pointing a loaded and cocked revolver at a policeman in the middle of the night. :what:
Perhaps it's best that anti-gunners stay that way, I'd hate to have a world filled with crazy aunts like that.
I realize you and other family members are doing all you can to help your Aunt. I think you have gotten lots of good advice. I just wanted to add a few words of caution from my perspective as someone who used to work {as a Parole Officer} with Sex Offenders. He started out as a peeper. Then he was hiding in the house, but not confronting your Aunt. Now he has escalated to calling her. His next escalation will be RAPE!!! Please, Please convey this to your Aunt. Maybe it will wake her up, or at least Scare her into a more realistic mindset. I talked to a great number of the victims of the offenders I oversaw. They never thought they would be victims, "Oh, no, it won't/couldn't happen to me. I'm too old/ugly/fat/young/fit." Tell her that sexual predators don't stop, they escalate until they are caught and jailed, then when released on parole or probation they start up again.
Good Luck to you and your family in keeping the Aunt safe.
my gma was burglarized and almost killed the same way.i had been staying with her on weekends to help round the house.the very nite i didnt stay,5 guys tried to get her.they broke into the garage,the poodle she had barked and these guys werent even scared off.she saw them walking around her windows and heard the ones in the garage trying to get the door to the house open.she called the cops and they caught all of them running through a field down to the freeway.they left their car parked off the road in a turn around. one stayed in the car- was just a 14 year old kid,he had a gun ready for me or her.they had a ball bat beside the kitchen door and a another was waiting in the shrubs by the front door where she saw him standing through the window.i think the punks turned out to be related to the guy that she rented off of.what got me was these guys thought they could get away with it and didnt bother to run when the dog barked or my gma picked up the phone and called the cops..through a well lit kitchen.the cops said apparantly the punks were waiting on her to let the dog out but tried the garage as a way in when she dialed the police..gma moved 2 days later.you can never be too careful,it can happen to anyone.
I talked to her, told her about sexual predators and how they don't stop unless jailed or killed. He hasn't been around for a 2 days, and she thinks he's long gone. I begged to differ. Aaron turned the place into a pretty secure house, but the guy could still kick down the sliding glass doors in back of her house if he was in the least bit determined.

Before bed, she turns every light in the house on, outside lights on, and sleeps in a different room every night. Good idea, but she needs to take it a few steps farther.

I'm hoping to go down this weekend and help her look for some motion sensor security lights in the very least, and maybe changing her locks just to be sure. Probably no firearms talk.

You are an incredibly devoted neice. With all the frustration you've been through with her, I'm surprised you didn't just give up. Good Girl.
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