I put my Shotgun into the Ceiling

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reminds me of a 3 stooges episode..
she won't look up unless you keep lookin' at it, keep your eyes down, tell her she's purty, heck how long have you been married?

...and the housewife says "I think I want you to paint this ceiling yellow...":D
I was thinking the same thing -- must be newlyweds. Maybe a new rented house? Poor things. I promise you both some day you'll look back on this event and realize that divorce is so expensive because...
...it is worth it.
so.... did she notice?

Or maybe she did and killed him.... no wonder we haven't heard back from him :D
This thread isnt really gun related unless you count it as "Non discharge damage from firearms" :) Got a hole in the ceiling from playing with the M91/30 with bayonet attached. Ding in my chevy from M44 buttplate.

BTW . . still no reply?! Apparently she noticed!

Plain, white, toothpaste. And hurry.
^My last place smelled like toothpaste when I moved out.
The responses to this little problem have been fun to read. This is a very little problem. Nothing at all like my friend that shot a hole in his cieling...right on through his upstaires bed room floor...and through a piece of furniture! Or my boss's relative that fired his 12 ga through his truck roof...right in front of most of the male family members.

Remember, don't sweat the small stuff. It's all small stuff.

Put a poster over it. My buddy used to throw wild parties and now and then somebody would end up knocking a hole in the wall. He just bought posters and pictures and covered them up so his dad never found out. When they moved out he was in soooooo much trouble, when they took all the posters down there must have been 7-8 holes in the walls of their house. :D
A friend called me early one Saturday morning (woke me up) all excited about the Cold Steel samurai sword that his wife had given him for his birthday. He wanted me to come over and see it. When I got there he had lost all of his enthusiasm and seemed quite subdued. Upon further query I learned that he was practicing with it in the house and cut a two foot gash in the living room ceiling. We spent the rest of that morning trying to get it patched up before his wife got home.
It happens. The television I had until last year had a nice circular imprint on the front of the plastic bezzle. I kept my Browning A5 on a gun rack above it, and one day when I was walking over to put the gun back I wasn't paying attention and smacked the barrel straight into the tv. I'm just glad it caught the plastic part and not the screen :).
Yeah I was hunting with my son and some buddies. I saw a moose on a roadside stopped the Blazer got the gun out, chambered a round, on examination through the scope declined to shoot as not enough brow tines to be legal, put the safety on handed the gun back to the passenger in the middle in back, he put the gun down and I got a hole dead center about where I would put a CB antenna! Moral: clear the chamber also had the gun worked on (Rem. 721) evidently not unheard of in that model.
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