I think I might be in trouble

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Aug 28, 2007
Downtown SL, Ut.
This isn't related to guns, but it is related to what i did for the defense of another person's safety.

I work at a national chain drugstore in down town salt lake city. yesterday while i was working I observed a woman with a 3 year old child. the kid was doing what small kids do, grabing things off the shelf and asking the lady, who i learned was the child's grandmother, to buy her things. the lady became very upset at the kid. she started yelling and barrating the child. she yelled loud enough for the entire store to hear "i'm sick of you! your such a little brat, im not taking you anywhere anymore. I'm sick of you! I'm sick of you!" she said those same sort of thing over and over agian for about 2 whole minutes. it seemed much longer then that, but it was probobly about two minuetes after that she calmed down a bit. the girl was crying the whole time the lady was yelling and i one point i heard the lady smack the child, then the kid started really crying.

everyone in the store, including aboiut 4 employees were whispering to each other and watching. every one was thinking "someone" should do something. at one point a customer confronted the lady about it. It was then I learned the kid was 3. I spoke to a cutomer who said she was a social worker. she said if the lady hit the kid I should call 911 and I could remain anonymuse. The lady grandmother then came to check out. I smiled while I helped her.

I went on my lunch break at this point and followed the lady out to her car. I was trying not to look like i was watching them so i only heard the following.

Child: (crying) "you hit my head"

Grandmother: (yelling) "well you should have gotten out of the way while I open the door"

I can only assume the grandmother hit the kid in the head with the car door intentionaly as a passive-agressive way take out her anger.
I memorized the license plate number and called the police and told them exactly what i saw and heard. Eventualy i was called back and an officer told me he would go to do a welfare check on the kid, but if the kid wasn't injured there was no crime here. that's pretty much what i figured, but i also thought if thats what this lady does to the kid while people arround, imagine what might happen behind closed doors. this may not seem that bad, but believe me, if you had been there and heard the way this lady was talking to the kid, let alone hitting the kid, you would understand. all this happened yesterday afternoon.

Well, i got a call this morning from my boss. he told me the lady intends to sue the company over the incident. we are in a bad financial state as it is. I had to come in about an hour ago and write down a statement. The four other employee's were there have also given statement cooberating my story. My boss was angry over the position that I put the company in. but confidentialy, he told me what i did was the right thing to do. he just wishes i hadn't told the police that i was an employee of the store.

I explained my actions to him this way. I pointed out the scare i have that runs from ear to ear on the top of my head. i explained that i have that scare and 15 titanium plates holding my head together because 1000 people saw me getting beaten nearly to death and all of them thought "someone should call 911" but no one did and i almost died because of it. I'm not going to be that guy who see's someone in trouble and does nothing and i stand by my actions no matter what happens.

What should i do at this point? I need advice as to how to handle this from here and i'd like to know what's going to happen. i don't think this lady has a legal foot to stand on, but im worried about my job. I'm worried that she might try to sue me personaly. what could i have done to handle this better?
Yer done at this point. Two things thinking.

Your Boss now has Corperate monkeys breathing on HIS neck due to all at the store you work at.

Whoever is named specifically as a defendant in the pending lawsuit is the ones that needs to stick to the truth no matter how messy it gets in that court room. I myself have been hauled in a time or two with angry bosses but for different reasons and truth makes Justice work right. Anything else gets you in jail or lost.

The Company is in bad financial position. That little birdie should be telling you to look for other work or prepare for unemployment on a budget you can life within your means.

This is not intent to write against you or tear you down. You saw something bad, now the courts are involved and it's going to be settled one way or another. Im hoping that the store has survillence tapes to collaberate everyone's story.

Kinda tough for one lady's word to go up against several staff and customers all at once... the perponderance of evidence and testimony may win in the end.

One thing is for certain.. that child may get safe haven and help and perhaps the granny wont be so angry anymore for whatever reason once this is all over.

In the meantime, start going through availible jobs in your area.
Besides pointing you to a lawyer... All I have to say is I am proud of you for making that phone call.

Have I ever been in a situation where I was responsible for a small child and I became frustrated? Yes, but as a responsible adult I have NO right to ever strike a child in anger. (I have been spanked before...and I deserved every licking I got).
Depends upon your state and local laws.

Some states consider firing someone for calling the police where appropriate, wrongful termination and actionable. You'll just have to wait and see what happens.

I'm thinking that the threat to sue was just that, a threat. If there are witnesses to the woman's behavior, she's got a sword hanging over her head, and she'd be smart to not fiddle with the string keeping it suspended.
I need advice as to how to handle this from here and i'd like to know what's going to happen.
Asking for advice on the Internet is generally not a good idea. Most folk that offer advice have no freakin' clue as to the actual legal specifics, and you have no way of knowing who's knowledgeable or not.

If you're worried about legal actions - find a lawyer and get a consult. Better yet - see if the store has corporate counsel that you can talk to.

But in any case, this really isn't THR material and I am sadly going to have to close the thread.

This isn't related to guns, but it is related to what i did for the defense of another person's safety.
Which is exactly why isn't not appropriate for THR. Child welfare is not a RKBA topic.
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