I think we can all relax!

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I'm not relaxing until all the rigged dangling chads are counted..... but I'm optimistic.

It's looking like have a good to chance control all 3 branches
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Not wishing to be the wet blanket, but it is not over until the fat lady sings. The Clintonistas do not give up easily,Look for law suits and much incrimination.Keep your fingers crossed! Things may be different in the morning (I hope not!)
First step, day one (regarding 2A), is a Supreme Court Justice who will hold the line on the court. With a probability of appointing multiple justices even in one term, this is a momentous day for gun rights.
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Campaign promises are just that. Rudy Giuliani, when asked once by a reporter why he hadn't done something he'd promised, actually said "that was a campaign promise, you really didn't think I was going to do that, did you?"

Does anyone really want Trump to do everything he said he would?
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It's over when the race is called. Pretty exciting actually whether you support Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.
Campaign promises are just that. Rudy Giuliani, when asked once by a reporter why he hadn't done something he'd promised, actually said "that was a campaign promise, you really didn't think I was going to do that, did you?"

Does anyone really want Trump to do everything he said he would?

For that matter, name any politician who did everything he said he would.
He made promises to the NRA about how he'd act. If he pulls this off we need to hold his feet to the fire.

And look to gut GCA '68, re-open the NFA registry, and simplify rules regarding silencers.

We absolutely need to get things done that will set a long term foundation quickly. The nation's political makeup is changing, and it may be a long time before you see control of all branches of government again by a pro gun party. Trump promised even more than the status quo from the Republican party and he has the political party in all branches of government to actually deliver on his promise.

This is not just a sigh of relief, it is some years to accomplish what you may not be able to accomplish again. The nation is urbanizing, and unless enough of the hispanic vote turns pro firearm conservative it is not going to be like this much in the future.
Get things done, not minor stuff, some serious things that unravel what the other side has been putting in place progressively so they cannot just resume where they left off in 4 or 8 years, and it may not even be that long before they get a branch of government back.
Add protective legislation. Move the slider back, don't just pause it where it is.

Otherwise I fear it is only a temporary relief. You can't merely stop additional restrictions or you continue down the same path not long in the future.

I also hate that firearm rights are such a partisan line issue. We shouldn't have to fear the other party removing our rights, because in this nation it is a definite they will be in power again in the not too distant future. You can't have a strategy that doesn't include the period of time the other party is in power.
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We don't need just court cases that take years to make their way through the system and will be heard in an unknown future political climate. We need proactive legislation now, while Republicans control all branches of government and Trump can show if he keeps his promises and gets things done before the Republicans get what they want out of him and then stop working with him. (Keep in mind a lot of the party doesn't really want him, but will need him to get things done for awhile.)

Gutting the '68 GCA and adjusting the NFA sounds like a great idea and a good start.

The current NFA is redundant to begin with, if you can buy a gun and go through NICs what else would get you denied in the extra 6+ month approval process? It is from a time period before they even had background checks for firearms and you bought them at the general store.It would be the equivalent of picking them up in an isle of Home Depot today and going through the self checkout. Or in fact even less as you could just catalog order them to your doorstep, so more like the equivalent of ordering them on amazon.
The NFA background check WAS the NICS of its day, and only applied to the things they included in the NFA. Back then that was how you had to do a background check, it took phone calls and snail mail.
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Well if he gets in, the Veterans Day sales should be at great prices with no fear mongering price hikes to take the fun out of it :)
I ain't counting my chickens yet, but if he does pull it off here are a couple of things we shouldn't have to worry about (but stay vigilent).
1. The U.N. Small Arms Treaty, which is stuck in the Senate, should never see the light of day.
2. Merrick Garland is hopefully history! Despite the MSM labeling him as a "moderate", he's nothing of the sort. According to the SAF, he signed on with a number of others in an effort to prevent Heller v. D.C. from making it to the SCOTUS, as he knew how they would rule.
President Elect Trump said:
Well the D.C. versus Heller decision was very strongly... and she was extremely angry about it. I watched. I mean, she was very, very angry when upheld. And Justice Scalia was so involved and it was a well crafted decision. But Hillary was extremely upset. Extremely angry. And people that believe in the second amendment and believe in it very strongly were very upset with what she had to say.

Somehow, I've still got this uneasy feeling...can't quite say why :uhoh:

If he follows through on his little gun committee/gun czar thing his son is pitching, maybe it'd be helpful. I'm more hopeful that his election & the retention of House & Senate will give the weaseley moderate Republicans & Democrats the cover to endorse then pass the Hearing Protection Act, and at long last after nearly a century, begin concrete steps toward rolling back the NFA. I really hope he doesn't revert to his old anti-gun ways the next time a guy with a beard shoots up a joint under the pretext of national security like he has the last few times. I really really hope he doesn't catch a bullet from a crazy & usher in a new dark age of gun control as was seen after Reagan & Kennedy (though this applied to Clinton just as much)

"We don't need just court cases that take years to make their way through the system and will be heard in an unknown future political climate. We need proactive legislation now, while Republicans control all branches of government"

This guy gets it; the presidency itself accomplishes nothing, it merely gives us the *chance* to turn the momentum (same with House & Senate though they add more momentum). What's needed now is clear direction & goals that are actually attainable. Not to realize some imagined "political capital" but because January is likely the most synched-up & ambitious we'll see our legislators until 2018, and we have to act fast before they get distracted with secondary causes & re-election. Even with sympathetic ears in Washington, it's far to easy for a terror attack, war, hurricane, or recession to steal all the oxygen away from the needs of our little minority of political gun owners.

"It might take a couple of days to drain the swamp."
Rome wasn't built in a single day, nor was it destroyed in one, and neither was done by a single man

What the Zoogster said.

It's time for actual common sense gun control - which means a national ban... on assault weapons bans. Imagine, no more silly bans on scawy black rifles.
Free our brothers in California!
A great day! Unbelievable. The SCOTUS looks a lot righter and brighter now!

President Elect Trump. Sounds a whole lot better than the alternative.
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Just watched his acceptance speech. Its going to be an interesting 4 years. There are a lot of very angry Democrats this morning. I feel much better. Not my first choice by any means but he has got to be better than Clinton.
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