Anyone else concerned that...

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Sep 12, 2004
... the top two presidential frontrunners are obsessively anti-gun? I think Rudy may even be as anti-gun as hillary.

If Rudy gets the GOP nomination, I think we have a problem. With the house and senate already in democratic control, an anti-gun president gives them free reign to pass draconian laws.

Is there any hope for a pro-gun candidate to knock Rudy out before its too late?
Hi Surefire,

There is always hope, very little chance but always hope. Maybe the people could draft a suitable candidate at the convention. But that would be going against the wishes of the GOP leadership. From what little I've seen nobody wants to disappoint the leaders of either party no matter what the cost to the country.

All three 'front runners' (Giuliani, Romney, McCain) are anti-gun. Giuliani champions the NYC handgun ban, Romney supports the Mass AWB and wouldn't vote against a new federal AWB, McCain is not as bad but then again he's nearly out of the race anyways.

The only truly pro-gun candidates are Huckabee and Paul, and of those Paul is the one gaining momentum.
I am more concerned that I feel like we are stuck between either socialism on one end and fascism on the other end and the candidates on either side who still believe in a "Republic" are marginalized and pushed to the wings.

Its more then just about gun ownership but yes it bothers me that the pretty much all the front runners are pretty vehemently anti gun.

This upcoming election is really bothering me. From what I see, none of the front runners are very pro gun.
Anti-gun politicians? Are there any other kind? They are all just afraid that the "peasants" might finally have enough and rise up and overthrow the men that pervert the Constitution.

I say let it happen. Let things finally come to a head and come down to the only issue; freedom. I don't even care who gets elected. The Republicans are hardly any different from the Dems anymore. There are only a few that can truly be called Americans.
yes, I'm concerned. It seems like the choice will be between two anti's. I pray that Rudy doesn't get the GOP nomination
If Ron Paul somehow gets the GOP nomination, we may very well see the repeal of certain gun laws and hopefully even the demise or reorganization of the BATFE.

Uh, don't you think he'd have to win the Presidency first?

If Rudy or Hillary end up being president, the only hope is to get either the house or senate (preferably both) back on the pro-gun side the next election . This would be a challenge, but seems more feasable than the president situation.

If its Hillary vs. "Rudy the Rino", who do you all vote for? A third party or independent just to make a point?
If its Hillary vs. "Rudy the Rino", who do you all vote for? A third party or independent just to make a point?
I vote whoever best represents my beliefs. If (heaven forbid) it does come down to Hillary vs Rudy, then I'm pretty sure whoever else is on the ballot will be closer to my beliefs than either of them.
I vote whoever best represents my beliefs. If (heaven forbid) it does come down to Hillary vs Rudy, then I'm pretty sure whoever else is on the ballot will be closer to my beliefs than either of them.

I'll be doing the same. Going for third party, to make my feelings known (even though they have NO chance to win).
I just hope that Ron Paul decideds to go 3rd party if he doesn't win the GOP nomination.... And that the media includes him in the presidential debates.

3rd parties would have a lot better chance if they were given the same opportunities (same media coverage and invited to the debates)
Anyone else concerned that the top two presidential frontrunners are obsessively anti-gun?
That's only a small part of my worries.

Anyone else concerned that the frontrunners are statists/socialists?
Fred Thompson is pro guns hear is what he said about gun control

I strongly support the Second Amendment of the Constitution, which protects an individual’s right to keep and bear arms. Gun control is touted as a major crime-control measure. But some of the places with the strictest gun-control laws also have high violent-crime rates. Disarming law-abiding citizens does not prevent crime. The answer to violent crime is smart, effective, and aggressive law enforcement. The real effect of these gun-control measures is to place onerous restrictions on law-abiding citizens who use firearms for such legal activities as self-defense, sport-shooting, hunting, and collecting. I am committed to:

Strictly enforcing existing laws and severely punishing violent criminals.
Protecting the rights individual Americans enjoy under the Second Amendment.
I’m voting for him
the top two presidential frontrunners are obsessively anti-gun? I think Rudy may even be as anti-gun as hillary.
who do you all vote for? A third party or independent just to make a point?
But "if you don't vote for either Democrat or Republican, you're throwing away your vote!" :barf: :banghead:

Man, I hate when folks say that. As long as we get tossed back and forth between those two parties, we'll keep spiraling down the drain (and not only losing the 2nd amendment either). :cuss:

Vote for the candidate, not the party.

Keep in mind that many of the demagogs who were elected in 06 were non gun control. In MO Claire McCaskell (who I have absolutely have no use for), said "my daddy would come back from the grave and hit me with a 2x4 if I voted for gun control".

I'm keeping some spare 2x4s for her, because daddy won't be back, but I will!

Sure, that's why I roll fifty rounds a night. More and more people are switching to Independent. I always thought Dr. Paul should run as an Independent. If he were to swap over at the right time....
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