I think we should invite anti's to visit The High Road...

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Aug 12, 2003
Portland, OR
What do you think?

After reading numerous threads on THR from people for gun control and seeing the mature responses and explainations from our members, I think it'd be a good idea. I know many anti's have a very distorted image of gun owners, and I think maybe if they hung around the site for a while they'd see that we're actually very logical, intelligent, and responsible people. It may very well make them question what they're fighting against and realize some points that they haven't thought about. I know how much I've learned from this site and I think we should use it as a resource for others to learn from as well. Every vote counts, and if one anti talked to another anti who talked to another anti, I think it'd help us.

What are your opinions?
Fence sitters. This is probably the most civil place on the internet. If you don't believe me, look at the Aussie Kid's thread, before he dove into our politics. Even comparing this to a place like DU or Free Republic, it is very civil. And much better to have them learning from here than some of the tactical/militant type gun sites that are out there (which I won't even go to, I believe in giving firearm owners a good name)

Hardcore anti's, dont give them a place to spam.
It probably can't hurt but as demonstrated by the topic vindi C started on the General Gun board, no amount of rational discussion and factual evidence can change the mind of a diehard anti.
While discussing with a friend of mine about guns and stuff (the basic anti stuff, why have them, accidents, criminals), I suggested she check this place out. She said something along the lines of "No thanks, I'd rather not."
I doubt most of them would refuse to come simply because they don't care enough about the other side to bother with it.
i think i'd rather take em to the range... that way when the blah blah blah starts, i can put on the muffs and go back to shooting... :neener:
The undecided looking for direction is the best. The hardcore anti will never change. As far as fencesetters go there are enough of them who own firearms to keep us busy.
Take 'em to the range first. After all it helps if you know something about the subject. If they find the experience enjoyable, THEN invite them here.
"No thanks, I'd rather not."
Many would say that - sometimes out of fear that in fact they may read logic and rational discussion - which might alter their mindset. That tho is something they want to cling onto at all costs - just the way it is.

They don't need to join - but obviously are welcome to learn, if they can take the trouble to explore and read - with an open mind.

The ones I'd like to sign up are those who just might see things different at last - and those I would also much like to see posting.
Many would say that - sometimes out of fear that in fact they may read logic and rational discussion - which might alter their mindset. That tho is something they want to cling onto at all costs - just the way it is.
That is exactly what I thought the second she said that...some people. =/
I don't. Between the occasionally hysteric and ridiculous responses of THR members and the inevitable increase in bleeding-heart morons telling us guns aren't the answer, THR would become a pretty grim place to be IMVHO. Couple that with the staggeringly unlikely odds of switching anyone, and it doesn't make for a great idea IMVHO.
Head over to DU and see if they can change your mind about politics. Not very likely you say?

An anti coming here would be about the same, excluding the fact they would be treated politely while at DU, you are probably going to get kicked after a few posts.

You have to have some desire to seek knowledge and an open mind before joining any forum before it will do any good.
We do invite folks...

... in fact all kinds by the very nature of our Mission Statement.

Forum Rules:


Welcome to The High Road, an online discussion board dedicated to the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership. It is the declared mission of this board to achieve and provide the highest quality of firearms discussion on the Internet, a standard set by the discussion board The Firing Line from 1998-2002.

Everyone is welcome to participate, regardless of political affiliation, gender, religion, nationality, or stance on gun ownership. We aim to respect every point of view, as long as it is presented in a polite and factual manner. You only need to provide a name and a valid email address to participate. We do not sell that information to anyone.

Anti's, expecially the verbose know-it-all kind, are too anoying. If I wanted that, I would call my step mother-in-law and ask her what she thought of "Bowling for Columbine".

I come to THR to get away from that sort of thing, not to embrace it.
Define "anti" though. I mean, I own firearms, I train with them regularly (I'm an ISSF shooter), but I don't have a problem with having to have a licence for them. Does that make me an anti?
Antis and fencesitters are more than welcome to come here and talk, so long as they remain civil.

That said, the best way to convert anyone is to take them to the range and teach them the basics of safe firearms use.
I don't mind debate or the exchange of facts as long as they don't get the idea I think my RKBA is negotiable. It's not.
I'm sure they won't get the wrong impression from the regular threads about "what gun will you use to shoot the JBTs who come for your guns when the SHTF and TWEOTWAWKI, and blue UN helmets make easy targets when you're voting from the rooftops to make sure the tree of liberty is periodically watered with the blood of tyrants." :rolleyes:
Define "anti" though. I mean, I own firearms, I train with them regularly (I'm an ISSF shooter), but I don't have a problem with having to have a licence for them. Does that make me an anti?

in a word....no. It's nice to have a place where your RKBA are appreciated without the buttholes.
And another thing: Since the early TFL days in the 1990s, this group has bought into the self-propagated myth that antis and fence-sitters will wander in and be converted in the glittery glory of our responsible rhetoric and flawless logic.

This group isn't so nearly responsible and logical as it fancies itself -- and it's gotten worse over the years.

Are we better than most gun boards? Yep. But we're still no shining example.
We're not that bad. If ya want all out professional fulltime tinfoil madhatters check hardcoretalk or warriortalk for example.
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