Converting ANTIS

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A true anti cannot be taught the facts, as they have been indoctrinated for too long, and far to well to be reeducated.

For one thing, sitting an anti gun person down and explaining the real facts and statistics on guns, you will only do the following:
1 make them angrier to guns then they were
2 make them think that pro gun people are even worse then the brady bunch tell them to think
3 reinforce all their negative thoughts and attitudes agaisnt guns and gun owners

I learned that from first hand experience with an anti gun jewish female from back east. After 3 years i could not prove to her that everything she had been taught was wrong and pure myth and lies.
According to her actually sitting her down just proved the point that gun owners "are dangerous animals that want to turn honest people (read as brady supporters) into dangerous, armed criminals who want to do no more then kill innocents"

Ironically she tried to corrupt me into giving up weapons and hunting, by trying to get me to marry her and live with her parents in a gated community patrolled 24/7 by a bunch of wannabe be security guards whos claim to fame was driving a go cart and carrying, of al things,, a handgun.

I asked her on that, and according to her side only police, military, and government, should have guns. And the security guards in that gated community were just thugs and wannabe killers paid to remove any possibility of a "good person" havin gto come into contact with a weapon.



Moto, innit?
Looks like we're getting a lot of replys who feel i'm waisting my time.

Of course the majority of antis aren't going to listen to a damn thing i'm saying, i'm probably waisting a lot of breath and air doing so, however we have sucessfully converted a few ANTI's, not a lot however the goal is to convert an anti to 1 shooter at a time.
I asked her on that, and according to her side only police, military, and government, should have guns.
Any Jew that believes that is CLEARLY not a student of history.

I think part of the discouragement here is that some of you guys are trying to convert "true believers" ... that ain't gonna happen, but sometimes arguing with them in front of others will plant the seed in the heads of those witnessing the debate.

I cannot think of a single person I've debated with that changed their mind right then and there ... but I have debated with a few real hard core antis and years later ran into them and they're not antis anymore. Maybe I helped that. Maybe I planted the seed there.

Conversely, I can think of dozens of fence sitters that I've talked to and/or have witnessed my debates with "true believers" that are now gun owners and active in the RKBA cause.
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