I want a FN "Barracuda"

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Aug 10, 2006
Way Way out in West Texas
Yep for my begining revolver collection I want a FN "Barracuda" with the 9mm and 357 cylinders. Matching sn's would be nice.

What do you want as your next firearm.

BTW if this needs moving please do so. Thanks
I wants one of these next.


Description here.

Been lusting after one for several years now, but everytime I get close to accumulating the disposable fun funds for one, something else comes up that has demands the money. First one of the cats needed a sex change operation, then a few years later the car needed a new exhaust system, a few years after that that car needed replacing.
Hmmm.... damaged cat, leaky exhaust system. Didn't know the poor thing was suicicial. Guess now I'll have to buy that new rifle to help me get over my grief.

I love it when my problems start solving each other. :rolleyes:
I'm considering getting one of the new UK Taurus revolvers in .357 or maybe .454 Casull or I might even go crazy and try to get one in .475 Linebaugh. Not sure if it's worth it though, I have precious enough range time as it is without spreading it between even more guns.

Ron James said:
Why would you want a FN , Astra made revolver for your first collection??

Well it seems to be on the rare side as it comes with a .357 and a 9mm cylinder. Its historical and I like it. I think it will fit well with my Colts and budding semi-automatic handgun collection. Some of the handguns on my list for acquiring are the C96 Broomhandle, the 9mm Bergmann-Bayard model 1910/21, a 9mm Steyer-Hahn model 1912 and 2 Colt Anacondas one with a 6inch barrel and one with the 8inch ported barrel. As for the long guns a Springfield TrapDoor would be nice.
There were recently about 400 Barracudas that came into the country, minus the 9mm cylinders.
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