I was insulted by a Liberal...

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I'm with you Tec. I had a law class two semesters ago with a far left professor that basically tryed to indoctrinate us into Dworkin's extremely liberal legal philosophy. On every issue when I would take a conservative view point the professor would painted me as being a racist, heartless, insensitive capitalist.

I got so upset one day when he said that my support for gun rights is the same as promoting genocide that I actually told the professor that he has changed my mind on abortion, that "the thought of liberals killing their own while conservatives continue to polulate gives me a feeling of solace." He was utterly speechless. :D
Hold your head high.

Now let it go.
For the rest of your life you will come into contact with idiots. Do not let them divert you or use up your valuable time.

I was in a comparative religon class where the professor insulted me and my religion knowing full well what my beliefs were. I reported him to his head of department. I would suggest you do that same as you suggested at the end of your post.
Do yourself a favor. Write a summary of your thoughts and feelings on the matter and make an APPOINTMENT to personally see the Chancellor.

I had something similar happen in the 70s and walked into his office to make the appointment. They almost p**ped themselves, and I got more action than I anticipated.

A long time ago, I know, but administrators don't change that much...
but it is a shame that your mom didnt keep her legs closed and you would not be here."

Response: "My mom's not on welfare. Now, lets talk about your mother's legs..."

Air Force Shooter: "For the rest of your life you will come into contact with idiots"

That is soooo true.

Pick your battles. The single most memorable college class I had was a guest Israeli Professor discussing "Ethics". We all have boundries. Sometimes the line is drawn closer to me - you have more space. Sometimes the line is drawn closer to you - if you take a single step, we fight. What's "ethical" is letting the other person know exactly where that line is. Cross the line, and "its ON!"

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thems fighting words....

my opinion is that you should have stood up and responded....In a LOUD commanding voice....

"what did you say!...you can start apologizing right now or we can take it outside....or are you just a coward with a big mouth"

IMHO, honor is still worth defending via. fist a cuffs.

Some people need to be held accountable for their disrespectfull and mean spirited words. Perhaps our society is to genteel and we've emboldened disrespect and let those diserving of a good A$$ kicking of the hook.

Of course, if you were carrying, you would have to constrain yourself to turn the other cheek.
"You sir have besmirched my family's honor and defamed the good name of my deceased, Jewish, black, lesbian, migrant worker mother, may she rest in peace. Defend yourself!" :D

And watch as he cowers underneath the desk and soils himself.

That'll be a real lesson for the class.
Your actions should be determined by your desired outcome.

If your goal is to simply get him to stop, get a BIG tape recorder, make a big deal out of its presence, make sure it's prominently displayed, and make a big deal of turning it on every day. If challenged about it, say that you're just recording the lecture so you can listen / transcibe it later. Make sure that you emphasize that you're going to KEEP, ANALYSE, and SHARE the tapes.

I had problems with my first year engineering professor who was a diehard communist who had no rational basis for his beliefs (I made better arguments FOR communism than he did and I'm a hardcore free market guy.), and simply used personal attacks to make the students listen. I used the above method and he stopped the attacks and actually taught. Because of the problems, I didn't apply myself well and my grades showed it. I received a "C" which was proportional to my work. However, I had this prof so worried about what I did, he sent me a complete breakdown of his grading system, where I fit in that system, and why I got the grade I got.

However, if you want to take action against this guy, you need to speak to the dean of your department about the prof. If you're concerned about recording him (This is a PUBLIC area, so recording should not be an issue.) get the permission of the dean to do so. If you get blown off by the dean, just keep going up the chain until you get someone who will listen. (Deans will often not fire a prof for political views, but if the prof is incompetent in their field of expertise, they NEED to be fired, so focus on that if you can.) You can try to use the media, but you'll find that less successful than the media would like you to believe.

If it gets too bad, or you can't get a viable resolution, YOU need to transfer to a school that values you as a student. I did and it was the best move I ever made.
Tec be VERY careful who's toes you step on. These people do stick together and he may have friends at the new school you go to.

I was flunked from a sociology class when I was in college because I wouldn't agree with the prof on abortion. He was very clear about why he was flunking me.

Educators have turned away from teaching students facts and how to think and have turned to teaching students their doctrines and what to think.

Do what you have to do to get your degree and be very careful who you put yourself up against. They have a lot of power over your life right now and you will find very few allies in that system.

I have been there and I have done that and if you think you are frustrated and persecuted right now start making waves it WILL get worse.

Get your degree, have it in hand, then start pushing people's buttons.
This line says it all:

"I am in a Sociology class. "

Sorry, you brought this on yourself. You are in a sociology class. As with most of the humanities; but particularly sociology, you have elected to be exposed to this s**t.

Had your teacher taken any other stance on such issues, he would not be teaching sociology.

I am disappointed to see the intellectual "defanging" inflicted on the wide-eyed high-IQ 19 year olds who take humanities classes, eager for learning, and being taught not to think in place of same.

To go off on a tangent, you are in his world, and walked further into his world. In arguing "she should get a job", you accept the premise that if she couldn't that someone else owes her/her kids a living - the rest is just bickering in idiot-land, and he'll eat your lunch. He won before the bickering started.

Don't get me wrong, I've flushed better things than your teacher. However, like I said, you are studying sociology.

If you were taking "Bachelor of Medieval Torture" and didn't want to torture anyone, by definition you should get a failing grade. If you major is "burning witches" you're cruising for an F if you don't believe in witches.

Honestly, if you're not an obnoxious little ecomarxist fairy with as much respect for individual rights as for the last thing you blew into your hankerchief - if you can't bring yourself to use fallacy as argumentative technique, and to learn the tools to fight reason and logic wherever it rears its ugly head - then you do not deserve a passing grade in Sociology or the things like it.

If you fail, take it as a compliment. . . .

while I agree that your post is correct for 90% of the sociologists in our eduaction system, I disagree that tecumseh should choose another field. The reason that we have so many sociologist spewing this garbage is because men of intelligence and integrity like tecumseh don't submit themselves to the the gauntlet of mud-slinging that is the Liberal Arts.

Tecumseh, I urge you to stay the course and become a bastion of reason, logic and integrity in a sea of emotion, fallacy, and libel. Stand up to these people, keep the high ground, and sway others to your side through the merits of your argument and the quality of your character.

[/Speech Off]:eek:

There's a point to where the "prevailing" viewpoint is ingrained enough that you can't get the gravitas in ones' field to fight anyway. Take grades in sociology, without bending to their BS you probably can't make it to graduation period. "He's no sociologist, he has bad sociology grades".

Ingrained enough, that I think it's getting pretty accurate to say that someone at odds with this "prevailing wisdom" is as much an abberation in these circles as an openly atheist priest, and likely to do just as well.

Stay a bastion of logic and reason. I'm just suggesting, you do it in some way other than being in the audience of these ****heads (or in other words, stay out of sociology classes). The lecturers have more weight with "clean slate" students than you will, due to their predisposition to respect his "authority".
I hate to chime in, because I believe this thread is OT too, but I will anyway.

I agree with Freddy - TALK TO THE PROFESSOR. If he doesn't know you, it'll be much easier for him to dismiss you. To me, taking up a simple public insult all the way to the head of the school is too much. That said, I would still advocate the other methods if a simple converstation doesn't work.
There was a thread closed earlier today because someone griped "hey this is Bush bashing and not firearms related."

So why the **** is this trainwreck still open? :fire:

You were insulted. Sorry to hear that. Happens a lot on this planet. Either return fire or don't. Sorry, but some people don't care for the caustic "bitch shouldn't have had kids" caveman attitude you displayed. Why? Here's a hint--the lady with two kids probably didn't go to a sperm bank and use a turkey baster to make those kids.

It takes two people to make kids, but you attitude only demeans the woman in this case. The prof. in this case wasn't very gentle with you, but you sound like a regular toughguy, I'm sure you'll recover. :rolleyes:
I posted it because I felt that the future of this country rests in the hands of my fellow college students. These people are going to be the ones that will be taking care of you when your old and gray. I posted this because I was pissed off at the teacher. However it also is a good insight into the future of this country. We have many young college people who will take his word as being complete and utterly true without questioning it.

I think that people need to realize that our country is being groomed for socialism in our state funded institutions. The kids are being told that guns are the cause of crime, that the 2nd Amendment was outdated and the Founding Fathers could not have imagined the crime caused by guns, that as a society we have a duty to make sure that everyone is happy, and that the American way of life as we know it is wrong and a blight to the world.

I am so tired of being here in college because I am facing this kind of crap everyday. Three of the girls in my 21 person class are mothers (one is pregnant) and I am being told that it is their choice on keeping the baby. However I have to fund the baby because they are single mothers going to school (our school tuitionand fees pay for a daycare at the school, one girl brings her kid to class everyother day). One girl informed me (after we debated some of the current issues) that she quit her $40K a year job to come back to school. Now I have a problem with being told that I am wrong for suggesting that if your gonna be a parent you should be responsible for your kids and not expect the government to help pay their expenses.

In the words of that worthless slug of humanity, Michael Moore,- "Dude, where's my country?"
You weren't insulted. He just made an ass out of himself. When liberals are challanged, the first they do is attack the challanger. Classic liberal reaction.
Strategically (in battle of political viewpoints), the colleges are the best things to have.

Better than having the politicians, journalists and bureaucrats, as you get to indoctrinate the next generation of politicians, journalists and bureaucrats.

With the makeup of college teachers being such an obvious leading indicator of the future of the country, it's presently looking pretty grim. As in, more grim than it is now.

Likewise, any renaissance would have to start in colleges.

But it's not just a simple matter of taking the colleges back. The professor of "applied basketweaving" will always be predisposed against individual liberty and free markets, as in a free market few people would waste their own money on his course. For sociology, the employment options would be far more limited without government muscle and socialist institutions to give them a context to work in. It's a pretty rotten mess.

For a guy wanting to make a difference, tough call - you must choose between abstaining from it all and doing something like Engineering, or becoming an indoctrinated socialist to wield government power over Engineers.
I tried the University of Southern Indiana once. Too much BS. They literally treat you like a small child. A man-hating professor I had for Comp.II gave me a 30% on a research paper that was 1/2 of our semester grade simply because she didn't like my topic and because I was the only male who hadn't stood up in the middle of class and called her a crazy ***** then walked out.
I dropped that class the same day. Then I dropped the school after 2nd semester. Enrolled in a private technical school (ITT). Best thing I ever did. Period. The school expirience was a blast with 12 people to a class and individual attention. Awesome equipment to learn on. Electrical Engineering degree. Now I have a sweet ass job as a tech for a telephone networking/VOIP company. Life is good.
Assuming your account is accurate (and, sadly, I don't doubt it) I hope you are able to take him down a notch or 10. People like this are doing their cause no service.

There should be no problem with recording his lectures. He's teaching a college-level class, after all. I don't have any specific advice, but hope you prevail.

Helmetcase, even if his initial comments showed a lack of sensitivity to the hypothetical case, there is no excuse for an educator attacking someone's ideas like that. It runs counter to everything I believe about an academic environment. I would go as far as to say that the prof's words and actions were the opposite of liberal. Any liberal worth the word should believe in open dialogue and free speech, especially in a classroom. Mario Savio is spinning in his grave, and people that got their heads busted open and shot in the Free Speech Movement should be the most outraged by this sort of thing.
Your restraint is /was admirable...much better than mine would have been:evil: ...that said;if you can record his next rant without running afoul of the wiretapping laws,than do so_Or perhaps a discreet word to the department personnel(assuming they are not tenured clones of him) may produce one of THEM taking notes on him without his advance knowledge.
There was a thread closed earlier today because someone griped "hey this is Bush bashing and not firearms related."

So why the **** is this trainwreck still open?
Just noticed which thread you were talking about. Oh, this is nothing new around here. I'm used to the double standard, but you should see how offended the mods get when you point it out.
Shakespear said it best.

Is it nobler to suffer the slings and arrows? Yes it is. In college I was in the same boat. Constantly defending not only my views but the 2nd Amendment as well. But stand your ground. Fight your fight. But always do it with facts and evidence. Always do it calmly, and don’t let their insane, unrealistic, cum-bi-ya rants get you riled up. Because nothing drives these people nuts faster than someone who disagrees with them calmly, coolly, and with facts and hard evidence. Trust me. Been there. Done it. Got the tee shirt.

P.S. And if that doesn’t work give them a quote from the pioneer of modern gun control:

“To day is a day that will go down in history. We are the first civilized nation to implement national gun registration, our streets will be safer and our police more efficient”-Adolph Hitler, 1936
Helmetcase: I agree with you. But the fact of the thing was he interpreted what I said in that manner and then proceeded to insult my mother and me. I did not call him names nor did I do use any personal information against him.

I agree that it does take 2 to tango but then by that logic a man should have a say if a woman wants to have an abortion. However a 16 year old girl (we did not even discuss the father) who is ready to have sexual relations with someone else should also be ready for the consequences. To clarfiry one more thing, neither kid was the result of a rape or sexual assault or anything other than consentual sex. However (this applies to both men and women) if you are not able to deal with the consequences of your sexual activity please refrain from said sexual activity. Abstinence, while not the most fun, is the safest and most effective method against unwanted pregnancies and STDs.

My issue was that he cut me off when I was about to say that you should think about your actions. He cut me off to spew his "Your gonna say she should close her legs..." and then insulted my mother and me.

So why should I let a man insult me? I did not call him names nor use any personal information I have on him to insult him. Should he be allowed to do the same? I believe that college is a place of higher learning and that open discussion should be encouraged. Namecalling is a little childish for a man with a PhD. That is one of my biggest gripes that he can call me names, and that the students will accpet his BS as mana from heaven.
That's why I love living in the state of Alabama. In any class in any university anywhere in the state, the sentence ..."but it is a shame that your mom didnt keep her legs closed and you would not be here" would be followed quickly with a thud of a body hitting the floor and six good-ole boys stomping a mudhole in his hind-quarters.
Think through what you are after:

Always remember the adage - Don't try to teach a pig to sing. It annoys the pig and wastes your time.

If it's an education you will not get that from any institution. All you will get is accreditation. Education come from life lived.

I obtained BA in Humanities (History) and a BS in English (Technical Writing) from the a very liberal university. The one universal useful skill I got from the experience was the ability to smile at idiots instead of challenging them.

You can not change their minds or their hearts. Don't waste you time. Regurgitate their crap - get your sheep skin - rise to prominence in your chosen field - buy the school - raid these idiots retirement fund (the revenge part) - then reform the whole mess. You will win but you will never turn these idiots.
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